
Regarding "Some models were overlooked specifically for their Discords where they like to talk badly about SG as a brand + company, gossip, and be toxic, because they don’t think staff knows what they’re saying and put on a fake sweet face to us."

How much of what they say on their discords is legitimate complaints/issues that never appear to get addressed tho? I'm...
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It Was Never A Phase

Seriously, go check that out, give her all the love, and comments! She's the best!

New Year, let's get weird.

Hello SGLand! Murph here, coughing up a lung, probably. I was gonna kick off a whole lot of things with the new year, but the new year said calm down, old man. Ain't it just how it goes? Anyway, hope everyone is doing better now that we're on the other side of that holiday nonsense, and hope you aren't too...
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I hope you feel better soon!

HI! Sorry, came in a little too excited, but my favorite Hopeful, the wonderful @rainedemure just dropped a new set LAST NIGHT! WHY ARE YOU NOT SCREAMING???

Go give it all the love it deserves! We're still campaigning to make this bish pink, cause she's wonderful and will probably bawl her eyes out when it happens.

Catch her on the live stream and let her...
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Shhhhhh, you don't wanna scare people awaaaaaaayyy
Yes drink the @rainedemure aine kool aid

The lovely Raine Demure had another amazing set released the other day, and last time I looked at it, it was at 993 likes. Now I know there's at least 7 people out there who haven't seen it yet that would love the heck out of it, so if you think you are one of those 7, Go Here, show her some love! (You are...
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It's an amazing set!

I've been tagged in this by the astounding @RaineDemure

1. How was your Thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?

My Thanksgiving was mediocre and uneventful, which is how I like my holidays. I think people stress too much over this stuff, get their expectations too high, and put too much pressure on themselves, and for what? To please some relatives that were going to...
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But I already did it!!
I enjoyed reading your answers. 😊

So Meta kicked off it's Twitter clone today! I'm road testing it, so if you've got an Instagram and wanna try this new thingadooey and need a follow, I'm @drunkfurball everywhere it matters. Add me, I'll follow you back.


Thank you @samihain for the tag!

#1 Your favorite summer activities?


#2 Three Things you hate about summer?

Hot! Bugs! Hot!

#3 Who's going on holiday or vacation this summer?

Not me!

#4 Who's in love, who's looking for love this summer?

Also Not Me! I mean, if any ladies are interested, I am single, I'm not actively looking for anyone in my area...
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Very nice answers. Thanks for doing the questionnaire I tagged you in. 😊
Thanks for participating in my summer questioner. Love learning new things about our models and members.

After Hours <- That. That right there is fucking hot. If you haven't hearted that set, yeet yourself into a volcano you sorry sack and get off my friends list, cause I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.

Why's this so important to me? Cause Raine is fucking awesome and deserves to go pink. I met her on a live stream here...
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I'm trying!!
@rainedemure is incredible and she will absolutely be pinked!! I know it!!