*le sigh*
so I got laid in South Carolina this past weekend for the first time in MONTHS. Some really drunk but VERY cute Navy friend of my brothers. Who just got married which is why I was in Charleston. (my brother obviously) The sex sucked but he did put us up in a $400 a night four star hotel. It was fucking fancy and very funny to check into when it was so obvious why we were there. I had caught the bouquet and was carrying it around w/ me walking the streets w/ this guy, and everyone asked if we were married. hahah.
Charleston was really fucking hot and humid but very cool. I went into Gucci but it was under construction so there wasnt much to see or try on. I had an orgasm walking into Nordstrom and saw all the shoes. Of course I snagged a pair on sale. Also got some really cool jewelry from the street market.
My job.... hmmmm. Well it is better then my last one but I am getting really fucking sick of a few of the girls I work w/. It's like they can never chill the fuck out and nothing is ever their fault. But I am learning more, so I'll have to stick it out. But then some thing came in today that lifted my spirits. nay, some one. A very very very fucking cute and charming boy who works at the crematorium where we send all the animals who didn't make it. I think his name is Matthew. I really wish I had a pictures of him to post, I am not kidding when I say he's fucking adorable.
Semi good news, my parents are moving up here. Change i job plan for my dad. The military really sucks. He's just a private contractor for them, but they still control a lot of what he does. I say semi good, becasue (bad) who wants to live close to their parents in their 20's? but (good) I will have a place to eat and do laundry when I need to. And seeing as I am having some hard money times as of late, that would be good to have.
Just checked my account, I dont have enough to make rent. Much less electric and cable, and food for me and my 19 critters I live w/.
double FUCK.
anywho time to eat, watch TV and sleeeeeep. It's so funny having someone to sleep next to these days. He either sleeps too close to me and pushes me off the bed, or too close to my legs and I cant shift when I need to. or he lays above my head like a little doggie hat and steals my pillows. And he snores. I wuv him

so I got laid in South Carolina this past weekend for the first time in MONTHS. Some really drunk but VERY cute Navy friend of my brothers. Who just got married which is why I was in Charleston. (my brother obviously) The sex sucked but he did put us up in a $400 a night four star hotel. It was fucking fancy and very funny to check into when it was so obvious why we were there. I had caught the bouquet and was carrying it around w/ me walking the streets w/ this guy, and everyone asked if we were married. hahah.
Charleston was really fucking hot and humid but very cool. I went into Gucci but it was under construction so there wasnt much to see or try on. I had an orgasm walking into Nordstrom and saw all the shoes. Of course I snagged a pair on sale. Also got some really cool jewelry from the street market.
My job.... hmmmm. Well it is better then my last one but I am getting really fucking sick of a few of the girls I work w/. It's like they can never chill the fuck out and nothing is ever their fault. But I am learning more, so I'll have to stick it out. But then some thing came in today that lifted my spirits. nay, some one. A very very very fucking cute and charming boy who works at the crematorium where we send all the animals who didn't make it. I think his name is Matthew. I really wish I had a pictures of him to post, I am not kidding when I say he's fucking adorable.
Semi good news, my parents are moving up here. Change i job plan for my dad. The military really sucks. He's just a private contractor for them, but they still control a lot of what he does. I say semi good, becasue (bad) who wants to live close to their parents in their 20's? but (good) I will have a place to eat and do laundry when I need to. And seeing as I am having some hard money times as of late, that would be good to have.
Just checked my account, I dont have enough to make rent. Much less electric and cable, and food for me and my 19 critters I live w/.
double FUCK.
anywho time to eat, watch TV and sleeeeeep. It's so funny having someone to sleep next to these days. He either sleeps too close to me and pushes me off the bed, or too close to my legs and I cant shift when I need to. or he lays above my head like a little doggie hat and steals my pillows. And he snores. I wuv him

Your dog is ADORABLE by the way

well thats good news... sorry nobody responded to your earlier request... if i had been in the group i would have...