My Bro has Cool hands
Coz they can do this:

and this:

That first one he drew for me for my 17th birthday. I ask him to draw/paint/photograph me something every year but he's really busy. The second one is year old, I think he did it in jr high or early high school. I stole it so shhhhh. I want to get that rabbit tattooed on my inner left bicep. I am thinking about designing a full rabbit themed sleeve. Coz they are cute and rad. ^_^ It'll be really girly and colorful.
Notice his signature on the first drawing in the corner? I do the same thing for my artwork:

you can see my artwork at deviant art dot com, I knmow I put the link down on my profile, so just look to your left ladies and gentelmen...
I've been working on making my own clothes and revamping some of my t shirts. As far as all the mental BS, it's not getting any better. You know, I bet I am the only person on earth who can go into a yearly pap exam, and end up in the psych ward of an emergency room for 7 hours. WTF is wrong w/ my vagina!?!? I really hope we find some meds that work fast, not to worry you kiddies, but I don't know how much more of this I can take. It's like I'm in a constant battle for control over my own thoughts. And in general I just feel like crap. My mind is exhausting my body. I really fucking hope I can the meds I need fast, coz I really do love life, and have so much shit that I want to see and do, but if I am always going to be at war w/ my own mind, I wont be able to enjoy anything. I just don't see the point in that.
Coz they can do this:

and this:

That first one he drew for me for my 17th birthday. I ask him to draw/paint/photograph me something every year but he's really busy. The second one is year old, I think he did it in jr high or early high school. I stole it so shhhhh. I want to get that rabbit tattooed on my inner left bicep. I am thinking about designing a full rabbit themed sleeve. Coz they are cute and rad. ^_^ It'll be really girly and colorful.
Notice his signature on the first drawing in the corner? I do the same thing for my artwork:

you can see my artwork at deviant art dot com, I knmow I put the link down on my profile, so just look to your left ladies and gentelmen...
I've been working on making my own clothes and revamping some of my t shirts. As far as all the mental BS, it's not getting any better. You know, I bet I am the only person on earth who can go into a yearly pap exam, and end up in the psych ward of an emergency room for 7 hours. WTF is wrong w/ my vagina!?!? I really hope we find some meds that work fast, not to worry you kiddies, but I don't know how much more of this I can take. It's like I'm in a constant battle for control over my own thoughts. And in general I just feel like crap. My mind is exhausting my body. I really fucking hope I can the meds I need fast, coz I really do love life, and have so much shit that I want to see and do, but if I am always going to be at war w/ my own mind, I wont be able to enjoy anything. I just don't see the point in that.
