So this is kind of a joke, kind of not. It's a joke if only I get shit offers, but if I do happen to meet the right person for the job, I could be getting hitched!!
and now, for the new and improved boobies:
I love it, but I will have my artist (Chris of start tattoo) Fix up the glowy part a bit. Round it out more coz it doesn tlook quite right to me. That and I want more color.
Does anyone know what happens when you delete your "attatchments" album? Do the pictures you attatched dissapear from the places you posted them? Coz having an album up w/ the same photo three different tiems is kind of silly.
Anyway, I am tired. Off to the land of nod.
and now, for the new and improved boobies:

I love it, but I will have my artist (Chris of start tattoo) Fix up the glowy part a bit. Round it out more coz it doesn tlook quite right to me. That and I want more color.
Does anyone know what happens when you delete your "attatchments" album? Do the pictures you attatched dissapear from the places you posted them? Coz having an album up w/ the same photo three different tiems is kind of silly.
Anyway, I am tired. Off to the land of nod.
And your favorte Zelda game SHOULD be orcarina of time, hands down.
Nice new ink!