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Yep thats about it, piles and piles of it. The world seems to be against me, and I am started to not care. meaning, started to think I should just go throw myself off a building. But my cute little creature keep me here. No one could ever care for them they way I do, so I stay here for them.
I recently got screwed of by Sach's Body modification. I went in one day to look at jewelry and was offered a job. I fill out an application and am called back that day, to come in for an interview. They must really like me right? Well the interview goes well and he asks me to come back the next day for what sounds like a training session of some sort. I go in, and find out it's a second interview. I ace it, and am told they will call back that afternoon w/ a decision, coz if I am picked, they want me to start training the very next day. I get no call. So I go there on sunday, no managers are there, but the staff all says they were told I had been hired. Awesome right? They tell me they asked the manager to call me to confirm. I wait a few days, no call. I head over today and there he is in the lobby, and informs me that I did not get the job. They chose someone w/ a little more experience. Exactly how much and what ind of experience to you need to clean, fill out paperwork, and man a cash register? Coz I have that experience damn it!! FUCKERS What a cruel thing to do to someone, making them believe they have a job, then not calling for days, forcing me to go nuts w/ anticipation and worry, then to just say "oh no thank you." Sons of bitches!!! Go somewhere else for tats and piercing.
I recently got my septum done at Evolution by Noah, and they are awesome. Very nice and know what the fuck they're doing. For tats I'd say Star Tattoo, I have heard some really good things about them, and Marty and Leo at Stay Gold are good.
So I am still jobless, and really fucking bummed. I was looking forward to working somewhere that might not drive me insane for once. Seeing how they handle things now, I am glad I'm not working for those morons. So anyone in the Albq area could give me suggestions about where to hunt for work, I would love you forever and ever, if I weren't this ugly bitter bitch.
Moving on.
I had a leak in my closet. I complained to my landlord. I was told it was fixed. Night before last it rains again. Flood out worse than it ever has. Bubbles in the paint growing larger and larger until one bursts, exploding nice yellowish water all over my stuff and the floor. Of course I don't notice w/ my TV and swamp cooler on, until later. I take about a thousand photos, and bitch to them again on the first, when I went in to pay my rent. The come back to really fix it this time, and I swear to fuck if it leaks again, I am throwing fists. You can only push a person so much before they break. And this one just might break your face.
Bugs. How the fuck do they get in my house and why are they here? I have ants on my desk. No where near any food products what-so-ever. There is only about a dozen or less, so there's no lines of them I can follow to see where they are coming from, and I can't figure out why they are here. So I sprayed my whole desk and little crippled carcasses lie everywhere and my living room smells oh so lovely. Hello head ache. How've you been since I last saw you earlier today when I cried my eyes out upon learning I may not be able to afford to live here, and could possibly be forced to live w/ my parents again? No. Just, no. There are also these strange creatures I have never seen in my life until today. I was sitting on my couch and I turn to my right, and these weird shiny green ant like things are crawling toward me. They have longer legs and antennae they ants, and smaller bodies. Almost cute. Very alien like. I squash one, lot of red blood comes out. I'm not used to that happening unless I squash a mosquito. There was about ten of those things that I killed, and there is no way of telling where the fuck these guys came from either. Not to mention the new spider webs in the house I have found, and few new spiders. Now I feel like bugs are crawling on my whole body all the time. Fabulous.
One of my green anoles, Mr. White, died the other day. He finally lost the dominance battle w/ Mr. Brown. I showed Brown Whites dead body, then after burying White, Brown stalked around the cage, almost like he was looking for White. Kind of strange.
And to top it all off, Law and Order CI is on, and it's not an episode w/ my crush Detective Gorren!! Bastards!!
jesus fucking H christ. What next?
Yep thats about it, piles and piles of it. The world seems to be against me, and I am started to not care. meaning, started to think I should just go throw myself off a building. But my cute little creature keep me here. No one could ever care for them they way I do, so I stay here for them.
I recently got screwed of by Sach's Body modification. I went in one day to look at jewelry and was offered a job. I fill out an application and am called back that day, to come in for an interview. They must really like me right? Well the interview goes well and he asks me to come back the next day for what sounds like a training session of some sort. I go in, and find out it's a second interview. I ace it, and am told they will call back that afternoon w/ a decision, coz if I am picked, they want me to start training the very next day. I get no call. So I go there on sunday, no managers are there, but the staff all says they were told I had been hired. Awesome right? They tell me they asked the manager to call me to confirm. I wait a few days, no call. I head over today and there he is in the lobby, and informs me that I did not get the job. They chose someone w/ a little more experience. Exactly how much and what ind of experience to you need to clean, fill out paperwork, and man a cash register? Coz I have that experience damn it!! FUCKERS What a cruel thing to do to someone, making them believe they have a job, then not calling for days, forcing me to go nuts w/ anticipation and worry, then to just say "oh no thank you." Sons of bitches!!! Go somewhere else for tats and piercing.
I recently got my septum done at Evolution by Noah, and they are awesome. Very nice and know what the fuck they're doing. For tats I'd say Star Tattoo, I have heard some really good things about them, and Marty and Leo at Stay Gold are good.
So I am still jobless, and really fucking bummed. I was looking forward to working somewhere that might not drive me insane for once. Seeing how they handle things now, I am glad I'm not working for those morons. So anyone in the Albq area could give me suggestions about where to hunt for work, I would love you forever and ever, if I weren't this ugly bitter bitch.
Moving on.
I had a leak in my closet. I complained to my landlord. I was told it was fixed. Night before last it rains again. Flood out worse than it ever has. Bubbles in the paint growing larger and larger until one bursts, exploding nice yellowish water all over my stuff and the floor. Of course I don't notice w/ my TV and swamp cooler on, until later. I take about a thousand photos, and bitch to them again on the first, when I went in to pay my rent. The come back to really fix it this time, and I swear to fuck if it leaks again, I am throwing fists. You can only push a person so much before they break. And this one just might break your face.
Bugs. How the fuck do they get in my house and why are they here? I have ants on my desk. No where near any food products what-so-ever. There is only about a dozen or less, so there's no lines of them I can follow to see where they are coming from, and I can't figure out why they are here. So I sprayed my whole desk and little crippled carcasses lie everywhere and my living room smells oh so lovely. Hello head ache. How've you been since I last saw you earlier today when I cried my eyes out upon learning I may not be able to afford to live here, and could possibly be forced to live w/ my parents again? No. Just, no. There are also these strange creatures I have never seen in my life until today. I was sitting on my couch and I turn to my right, and these weird shiny green ant like things are crawling toward me. They have longer legs and antennae they ants, and smaller bodies. Almost cute. Very alien like. I squash one, lot of red blood comes out. I'm not used to that happening unless I squash a mosquito. There was about ten of those things that I killed, and there is no way of telling where the fuck these guys came from either. Not to mention the new spider webs in the house I have found, and few new spiders. Now I feel like bugs are crawling on my whole body all the time. Fabulous.
One of my green anoles, Mr. White, died the other day. He finally lost the dominance battle w/ Mr. Brown. I showed Brown Whites dead body, then after burying White, Brown stalked around the cage, almost like he was looking for White. Kind of strange.
And to top it all off, Law and Order CI is on, and it's not an episode w/ my crush Detective Gorren!! Bastards!!
jesus fucking H christ. What next?