moving time is fast approaching. my roommate to be is in a jam with her current landlord being an asshole about her being out the last of this month, though we are not sure if we can get to the new place before the first of next month. this affects her scheduling of the movers; if they can't unload on the 30th, she will have to scramble at the last minute for a rental truck and manpower. and also figure out what to do with the stuff overnight (keep it in the truck? park it where?) of course, the new landlord is on vacation for another week, and can't tell us anything about when the current people are moving out... hey, if it weren't fucked up, would it be journal worthy?
as for me, i'm going to avoid some of the rush by parking my stuff in public storage and moving in perhaps the next week. i'm going to start slowly moving stuff into there today. i also don't have all that much stuff. i also still have a lot of stuff to toss/donate/return/ebay. my biggest problem right now is reserving people to do deep surface cleaning of the empty apartment.
so how do people coordinate move-out/move-in times? there is a potential domino chain of people moving into the next place...and i can't remember how the timing works. usually, the key is having an apartment already empty; new rehabs or people coming to town late or leaving early.
seems that malloreigh has also been in moving mode... anyone else?

as for me, i'm going to avoid some of the rush by parking my stuff in public storage and moving in perhaps the next week. i'm going to start slowly moving stuff into there today. i also don't have all that much stuff. i also still have a lot of stuff to toss/donate/return/ebay. my biggest problem right now is reserving people to do deep surface cleaning of the empty apartment.
so how do people coordinate move-out/move-in times? there is a potential domino chain of people moving into the next place...and i can't remember how the timing works. usually, the key is having an apartment already empty; new rehabs or people coming to town late or leaving early.
seems that malloreigh has also been in moving mode... anyone else?

i do have some rough mood swings lol