w0w. time for a new post. dammit, i was getting a rhythm going and then i up and got sick, only to get better and out of the habit!
well, i'm a mess--literally and figuratively. and i have to do something about it. i have spent the past few months obsessing over the orderliness of my powerbook's harddrive--my files are in really good shape now! but this was all practice building up to that ginormous task of sorting out all my physical possessions. shit has just got to go:
1) donations: goodwill/salvation army, etc.
2) borrowed: back to owners.
3) giveaways: things that are perfect for so-and-so
4) trash: goodbye.
5) ebay!: i ought to make use of my brother's mad ebay selling skillz.
i don't really even have all that much stuff, but it's all a mess. i don't know how this happened again, but i know depression had something to do with it.
this mess is for real, too... (uh oh, it's story time!)
when i was a kid, i kept a messy room as a passive-aggressive way of pissing off my birth mother. my desks in grade school weren't terribly messy, but then again, my mother wasn't there, so there was no point in being messy.
when i moved into my first apartment ten years ago, i barely had any stuff to make a mess out of. at the time, i was working at crate & barrel, and i began to develop a passion for small, well designed household items which balanced beauty and utility. (have i mentioned my obsession with apple computer?) i was also trying to keep my belongings down, lest my birth mother discover my location and cause me to move again. but everything was neat and clean. you'd have never guessed i was a slob as a child.
so fast forward to age 22. it was time for the big heartbreak, the one everyone has to go through. i fell into a depression, quit my job (bike messengering), stopped working out, ate all the time... and stopped cleaning. i was living with my biological sister at the time and my slovenliness was really straining our relationship. i started to get my life back together. i somehow landed a job in the financial/technical industry. i threw myself full into it, reading tech manuals almost every night right until i passed out. that is, if i wasn't out with some lovely young girl. at the time, i figured i should just put all my effort into( re)building these areas if my life; cleaning seemed so insignificant.
a few months into this, i started noticing two things: i beginning to be somewhat embarrassed by the mess, and i started judging girls on their cleanliness. if i decided that a girl was a bigger slob than i, i'd let her come over. otherwise, i'd try to shift things back to her place. well, actually, i would always try to go to her place, regardless.
as i write this, i particularly remember liz. she was a super cute waifish curly blonde--with glasses! and she was a pottery artist and low maintenance...absolute dream, really. and how could i forget--she lived across the street!! she was also poor as hell. let me tell you: her bed was a piece of thick hospital foam folded in half, on top of a board supported by milk crates. i gave in when she asked if we could sleep at my place every night. but only because i knew she was so happy about my mattress that she didn't mind things being a bit messy. no wait, fuck that--i was happy to be back in my own bed. my back and neck were killing me!
ok, i'm getting tired of writing...must take a break. i didn't think this would end up being a two-part thing, especially because it's not all that interesting...
before i forget, i must say congrats to my friend jacinda for getting accepted!
w00 w0000!!!! (it was obvious.)

well, i'm a mess--literally and figuratively. and i have to do something about it. i have spent the past few months obsessing over the orderliness of my powerbook's harddrive--my files are in really good shape now! but this was all practice building up to that ginormous task of sorting out all my physical possessions. shit has just got to go:
1) donations: goodwill/salvation army, etc.
2) borrowed: back to owners.
3) giveaways: things that are perfect for so-and-so
4) trash: goodbye.
5) ebay!: i ought to make use of my brother's mad ebay selling skillz.
i don't really even have all that much stuff, but it's all a mess. i don't know how this happened again, but i know depression had something to do with it.
this mess is for real, too... (uh oh, it's story time!)
when i was a kid, i kept a messy room as a passive-aggressive way of pissing off my birth mother. my desks in grade school weren't terribly messy, but then again, my mother wasn't there, so there was no point in being messy.
when i moved into my first apartment ten years ago, i barely had any stuff to make a mess out of. at the time, i was working at crate & barrel, and i began to develop a passion for small, well designed household items which balanced beauty and utility. (have i mentioned my obsession with apple computer?) i was also trying to keep my belongings down, lest my birth mother discover my location and cause me to move again. but everything was neat and clean. you'd have never guessed i was a slob as a child.
so fast forward to age 22. it was time for the big heartbreak, the one everyone has to go through. i fell into a depression, quit my job (bike messengering), stopped working out, ate all the time... and stopped cleaning. i was living with my biological sister at the time and my slovenliness was really straining our relationship. i started to get my life back together. i somehow landed a job in the financial/technical industry. i threw myself full into it, reading tech manuals almost every night right until i passed out. that is, if i wasn't out with some lovely young girl. at the time, i figured i should just put all my effort into( re)building these areas if my life; cleaning seemed so insignificant.
a few months into this, i started noticing two things: i beginning to be somewhat embarrassed by the mess, and i started judging girls on their cleanliness. if i decided that a girl was a bigger slob than i, i'd let her come over. otherwise, i'd try to shift things back to her place. well, actually, i would always try to go to her place, regardless.
as i write this, i particularly remember liz. she was a super cute waifish curly blonde--with glasses! and she was a pottery artist and low maintenance...absolute dream, really. and how could i forget--she lived across the street!! she was also poor as hell. let me tell you: her bed was a piece of thick hospital foam folded in half, on top of a board supported by milk crates. i gave in when she asked if we could sleep at my place every night. but only because i knew she was so happy about my mattress that she didn't mind things being a bit messy. no wait, fuck that--i was happy to be back in my own bed. my back and neck were killing me!
ok, i'm getting tired of writing...must take a break. i didn't think this would end up being a two-part thing, especially because it's not all that interesting...
before i forget, i must say congrats to my friend jacinda for getting accepted!
w00 w0000!!!! (it was obvious.)

I go through periods where I am messy and other times when I am so anal about cleanliness it makes people I live with annoyed. Right now I am going through a seriously messy faze. But that's because I am moving and felt there was no point to get clean crazy.