let me tell you something: jewish weddings kick ass!
joe and jacinda hit the perfect balance between mellow and formal for the ceremony. afterwards, we had the reception, which was helluva fun: i was drafted by joe's dad to help lift him up for the chair dance thingy. what a rush! there is something about being a part of this communal joy, this feeling of connectedness that i hadn't felt since fugazi played the rainbo roller rink here in chicago so many years ago...
jacinda had a friend that she wanted to hook me up with (my friends are always trying to pawn my ass off to their female friends) but this girl totally reminded me of my little sister! there's no way jacinda would have known this: i don't look anything like molly (sister, duh) since i'm adopted and all, and molly has been away at school the 5-6 years jacinda and i have known each other. now, i totally love my sister, because she's great and she's my sister...but. she's. my. sister. and that's just weird. so much so that i couldn't even bring myself to talk to this girl. oh well, sometimes things are nobody's fault...
i did get to talk to joe at length, though. it was late, and he was tired and still in wtf? mode. but m'boy did good!
miao for now!
joe and jacinda hit the perfect balance between mellow and formal for the ceremony. afterwards, we had the reception, which was helluva fun: i was drafted by joe's dad to help lift him up for the chair dance thingy. what a rush! there is something about being a part of this communal joy, this feeling of connectedness that i hadn't felt since fugazi played the rainbo roller rink here in chicago so many years ago...

i did get to talk to joe at length, though. it was late, and he was tired and still in wtf? mode. but m'boy did good!