So I went to Derry Queen in Manchester today cus I heard some hot SG girlz worked there. Aparently they all have Tuesday afternoon off cus some dude waited on me and there was no SG's to be had. So sad
You're super fucking welcome! Why would I not have gone? Geez, you guys only fucking rock Hardcore. With a capital H.
Have you seen the video yet? You're so fucking intense, with your sweat-soaked hat.
Gah. My hoo-ha = suckness. It hates me. Officially.
I was, but something weird happened and then...all my friends disappeared. I decided it was too much of a coincidence that everyone deleted me all at the same time, soo...I have no idea what really happened...
Sooooo, here I am again. Drunk with nothing to say. Well, I could say I'm glad I made it home. That's always a plus. Tomorrow is just more of the same. I'm so fuckin excited my dick is hard. Yipeeeee. Oh yea. I have a few words of wisdom, so grab a pen and paper bitches, and pay attention. For It Is Better to Reign... Read More
Here is a couple of examples of my desparation. I've resorted to stereo typing. Two guys in their 20's came into my store today. One had dreadlocks. I figure "what the hell, he's got dreads, he must be into music". That was my logic. I ask them if they, or anyone they know can sing. The white rasta tells me he sings R&B but no... Read More
thanks bro no beer tonight at practice that's why i don't throw in on the kegs you drunk bastards have parties when i'm not around and drink all the beer. Just kiddings thanks for the suport man i know you guys are here for me. Campeon de Diablo is one of the reasons i can't deal with a relationship right now you guys are all my bitches and that is the way i want it right now see you tonight for
No, really, though. I appreciate it. Whenever you want cookies, I'm your bitch. And I'll still come to practice once in a while. After all, you guys ARE in my "favorite bands" list, so I'm not sure I could resist.
It's 1:00 in the morning. I'm on my 6th Sammy and it's even better than the 1st. Now I'm not drunk, but I'm not ready for bed and I feel like venting. I know three individuals along with myself that have put countless fucking hours and an ass load of frustration in to learning our craft. Incase your late to the show, the craft I... Read More
Is that what you do all night? Just sit up and drink on your own? Because I think that means you have a problem.
Maybe you should consider drinking with someone else - I hear that's more socially acceptable than doing it all alone....
Moving on!
First - I only fell asleep at practice once!
Second - I think the biggest problem with all the "vocalists" you guys have tried so far is that they all think they're the shit (when they're very obviously not) so they don't think they have to practice, and you guys all stay very humble (even though you fucking rock) and bust your asses 6516874616971 days a week. Also: all the really good singers are already taken.
PS: First, it's hiccups, not 'hick ups.' I think a 'hick up' is the opposite of a 'ho down'...
Second, they're caused by uncontrollable spasms in the diaphragm, usually triggered by something (alcohol? carbonation?) irritating the smooth muscles of the stomach and/or the esophagus. It's your body's reaction to mild early-digestion tract irritation, Son. Next time you have them, get a glass of water, exhale, pinch your nose, and drink until it feels like you're drowning. Then take a deep breath. It makes your diaphragm work by replacing oxygen with carbon dioxide and creating an anarobic condition (and that drowning feeling...) in the spasming diaphragm. By tricking your body into thinking it's drowning, it uses it's oxygen for something other than hiccuping...
first of that jam you left on my journal was the shiit sun . and yes we need to look out side the area and finish 3 mastered songs and go steel a singer that is my plan at this point . word out biotch
So I went to the doctors today and it doesn't look good. He said I have this sickness that is unfortunately very common. It infects many people everyday. But there is hope. It can be cured. He said I have Dumbfuckalitas. It's when you speak before you think. I have shown symtoms of this for many years but I never thought it could happen to... Read More
Good day, kind Sir. Were you aware that there is an "Edit" option on your comments? It's there so that when a mistake is made (say, perhaps you've typed 'say' instead of 'day') you can just click the word "Edit" (located just after the word "Link," which is just after the date and time...which is just after your name) and fix your mistakes without having to post another comment. Simple, really...
Hope that cleared things up a bit for you, after all I'm here to serve.
Oh, and by the way: Fuck you.
Have a lovely day!
[PS: putting "ain't" and "no" next to each other in a sentence - a double negative - makes it a positive. So you really said that Weebl is Foamy, and I assure you, Sir, that he is not. ]
Why do we have to keep reminding you to update this thing? It should be old hat by now!
Also, you have this labeled as "not funny" made me laugh, so you must be incorrect. However, this also made me laugh, and it's got nothing to do with you...
Ashley de Evil just gave me the brain seed that is going to grow into my huge fortune. I'm going to open up a second hand pornocopia! I shall call it "Sloppy Seconds!!!" It will have used dildos and refurbished vibrators. A magazine section called "The Sticky Pages." And recycled tissues. Holy shit, I'm gonna be fuckin rich!!!
see all these nice girlies say hi to you this is the place to be. nice job on matt's amp last night huuu? i think he'll be needing a job to by a new head and 4X12 cab because it's fucked trust me.
And I think it's DQ in Derry. But...don't hold me to that.