Ok well, everything is ok now. What had happened was yesterday I was supposed to go to band rehearsal because we were supposed to have a show TODAY ... Didn't happen, but i'll get to that
So I loaded all my stuff into my car, about to go to rehearsal when I noticed that my tire looked a little flat. It has been raining for the past 2 days and my car was parked in some mud underneath our car port (which is held up by rods and poles) SOO me being my old worried self thought I'd back out of the mud to see if it WAS flat ...
NOW me being my STUPID self left my door open as I backed out, while running into an oncomming pole that holds up the car port which bent my door all the way backwards ... Do you know what i'm saying? AND me being my stupid self reacted horribly by stepping on the gas and making my door go even further the opposite way. So I finally STOPPED!! and pulled forward.
My door was fucked. I got out and tried pushing it back to close, but all the happened was popping of the hinges. I laughed and didn't think anything of it actually, at the moment
I called my mom and told her how fucking stupid I was and I couldn't believe I just did that. She told me to call my dad and my dad comes to help me out, telling me that it will cost a lot because I had screwed my door over and I couldn't get it shut. It was open a good 8 inches and that's the farthest I could close it.
SO, my dad took some rope from his car and tied my door to my car so that it wouldn't go anywhere. It was sticking out 7 inches in the bottom and to top it all off, it was raining like a bitch!
I had to call Kyle (my guitarist and tell him that I may not be making it to band practice) considering that they live 8 miles away from me, and I was not about to drive 8 miles through the rain with my door fucked. I'd get soaked.
So I started to drive somewhere, I didn't even know where I was going. I think I may have been a little distracted by something ...
and I started to cry. because I have absolutely no money. My dad told me it'd cost a fortune to fix and there is no way I could afford it.
I got to my moms, and her boyfriend was sitting out front. I was crying and he came over and tried fixing it himself! But alas, no success. They untied the rope and put bunjee cord instead. I guess that was better because I could close my window but that did no help. I have those electric seatbelts and so it was going back and fourth non stop!
I drove home and my mom followed to come pick me up and take me back to her place cuz I was upset and had no one to hang out with (Gary was working) I was upset because of what an idiot I was! I have seriously never done something so stupid before. But, there was nothing I could do, so i put towels in the door and the windows so no rain would get in and I went to my moms.
I hung out for much longer then I wanted to. Because Gary got home 30 minutes after I had left and my mom kept saying, "Stay longer! I'll take you home later! Have a drink!" Which I never ended up finishing and SHE never ended up taking me home because she got too tired ... So, I had to call Gary and have him pick me up. It was ok tho, he was drinking with Josh.
Then we fed our bunnies and I forgot about my car until I woke up. My dad called in the morning and I took my car in to get an estimate and they actually said they could fix it for $120.00! Which is awesome because everyone else was making it sound like I would have to pay 10 more times than that! My dad payed for it and my car is all fixed now (I'm paying him back, there is no way I could afford that right now) EXCEPT my door is all crappy and dented in now and it wont close well unless you slam it shut but who cares!? as long as I can shut it, i'm fine.
ON another note ... Do you remember when I was saying Gary and Josh were dressing like zombies and going out into public and we were taking pictures of them for this horror contest? well, guess what? they won grand prize!! which is a bunch of cool horror merchandise and signed posters and movie props from Land of the Dead! I think that's pretty damn awesome!
OH and Gary got a new REALLY nice car ... The dude that hit him, his insurance company bought him a really nice ride. The thing is, we were all driving in it tonight and Gary gets pulled over .... and he had been drinking so he had to do a test ... but he passed ... hmmm i wonder why. he'd had 6 beers ...
that's good luck. ...
Oh and so I never ended up going to practice, obviously and they told me to practice my parts at home that night. AND today was supposed to be the show and it got cancelled! BUT we're playing at the underground next week so I think that'll make up for it.
AND I'VE WRITTEN SO MUCH ... i think it may be getting boring.
My bunnies are the CUTEST things ever!! We feed them different kinds of vegetables (not ones that are bad for them) and I love them so much now! They're my little babies!

NOW me being my STUPID self left my door open as I backed out, while running into an oncomming pole that holds up the car port which bent my door all the way backwards ... Do you know what i'm saying? AND me being my stupid self reacted horribly by stepping on the gas and making my door go even further the opposite way. So I finally STOPPED!! and pulled forward.
My door was fucked. I got out and tried pushing it back to close, but all the happened was popping of the hinges. I laughed and didn't think anything of it actually, at the moment

SO, my dad took some rope from his car and tied my door to my car so that it wouldn't go anywhere. It was sticking out 7 inches in the bottom and to top it all off, it was raining like a bitch!
I had to call Kyle (my guitarist and tell him that I may not be making it to band practice) considering that they live 8 miles away from me, and I was not about to drive 8 miles through the rain with my door fucked. I'd get soaked.
So I started to drive somewhere, I didn't even know where I was going. I think I may have been a little distracted by something ...

I got to my moms, and her boyfriend was sitting out front. I was crying and he came over and tried fixing it himself! But alas, no success. They untied the rope and put bunjee cord instead. I guess that was better because I could close my window but that did no help. I have those electric seatbelts and so it was going back and fourth non stop!
I drove home and my mom followed to come pick me up and take me back to her place cuz I was upset and had no one to hang out with (Gary was working) I was upset because of what an idiot I was! I have seriously never done something so stupid before. But, there was nothing I could do, so i put towels in the door and the windows so no rain would get in and I went to my moms.
I hung out for much longer then I wanted to. Because Gary got home 30 minutes after I had left and my mom kept saying, "Stay longer! I'll take you home later! Have a drink!" Which I never ended up finishing and SHE never ended up taking me home because she got too tired ... So, I had to call Gary and have him pick me up. It was ok tho, he was drinking with Josh.
Then we fed our bunnies and I forgot about my car until I woke up. My dad called in the morning and I took my car in to get an estimate and they actually said they could fix it for $120.00! Which is awesome because everyone else was making it sound like I would have to pay 10 more times than that! My dad payed for it and my car is all fixed now (I'm paying him back, there is no way I could afford that right now) EXCEPT my door is all crappy and dented in now and it wont close well unless you slam it shut but who cares!? as long as I can shut it, i'm fine.

ON another note ... Do you remember when I was saying Gary and Josh were dressing like zombies and going out into public and we were taking pictures of them for this horror contest? well, guess what? they won grand prize!! which is a bunch of cool horror merchandise and signed posters and movie props from Land of the Dead! I think that's pretty damn awesome!

OH and Gary got a new REALLY nice car ... The dude that hit him, his insurance company bought him a really nice ride. The thing is, we were all driving in it tonight and Gary gets pulled over .... and he had been drinking so he had to do a test ... but he passed ... hmmm i wonder why. he'd had 6 beers ...

Oh and so I never ended up going to practice, obviously and they told me to practice my parts at home that night. AND today was supposed to be the show and it got cancelled! BUT we're playing at the underground next week so I think that'll make up for it.
AND I'VE WRITTEN SO MUCH ... i think it may be getting boring.
My bunnies are the CUTEST things ever!! We feed them different kinds of vegetables (not ones that are bad for them) and I love them so much now! They're my little babies!


Your to damn funny. I guess you had a lot on your mind. I'm glad everything worked out.