went to school today (beauty school) been going since last october. anyways, they had a speaker come in and he's done makeup for the cell (the movie) so he showed us cool stuff and how to do realistic bruises. It was awesome. Did you know..you don't have to have a license to be a makeup artist?? If i had known that......damn. I'm a hairstylist....that can still be done. Can't WAIT to graduate!!!
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 12, 2005
I just ran through the sprinkler. It was fun and cooled me off a LOT.… -
Monday Jul 11, 2005
lol because i can't swim, if my life depended on it. my boyfriend and… -
Sunday Jul 10, 2005
Is there anyone here who can't swim??... -
Sunday Jul 10, 2005
The party i went to last night was kinda boring! It was my boyfriends… -
Saturday Jul 09, 2005
So i actually did have a pretty good day at work yesterday. Made a … -
Thursday Jul 07, 2005
It is so hot today. I had to teach my grandma how to use the internet… -
Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
Oh yeah so i took 2 weeks off of school! woohoo! cuz i really needed … -
Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
So we did another photo shoot last night. 2 actually. My friend Ashle… -
Saturday Jul 02, 2005
i am very lonely today. actually have been for the past few days. no … -
Friday Jun 24, 2005
School was so boring today. I forgot my manican AGAIN... just had to …
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