went to school today (beauty school) been going since last october. anyways, they had a speaker come in and he's done makeup for the cell (the movie) so he showed us cool stuff and how to do realistic bruises. It was awesome. Did you know..you don't have to have a license to be a makeup artist?? If i had known that......damn. I'm a hairstylist....that can still be done. Can't WAIT to graduate!!!
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
NEW PICS EVERYBODY. ... . Let me know what you think.... most of them… -
Friday Jul 29, 2005
I just found out who I want to marry: DUSTY! I literally can't believ… -
Friday Jul 29, 2005
I didn't do anything today but go tanning and hang out with Michelle … -
Friday Jul 29, 2005
My boyfriend finally got a job! woohoo! I need to work more Today … -
Thursday Jul 28, 2005
I missed so much school, that the day i finally pull myself together … -
Tuesday Jul 26, 2005
It was raining all day yesterday and that cooled it off a whole lot! … -
Monday Jul 25, 2005
I'm going to my bands show tonight. I'm not ready to play yet, obviou… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
Hello everyone. So this morning/afternoon we had a very interesting t… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
I had another band practice today. It was good. I learned another 4 s… -
Friday Jul 22, 2005
Gary, josh and I went shopping today. Gary bought about 35 movies! w…
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