Finally got to color my hair today! my head teacher never let me do it. It was weird because I went to her office and asked her nicely, "can i please color my hair today? I have no clients and i have nothing to do" she turns around and says bluntly, "NO, work on your manican!"

Thing is I forgot to bring my manican! AND...
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I cant wait to see pictures of your hair, gorgeous ! kiss kiss kiss
Haven't been there, I go to Toni and Guy academy to get my hair cut and I dye it myself.
Hello...havn't been on my computer in three whole days. Feels kinda weird. Just been so busy. On saturday I went to Denver and I was supposed to meet up with Trevor....didn't happen tho...We picked up my friend Josh from the airport, he was in TX...and we had to go home earlier than I thought cuz he wanted to hang out with his girlfriend.

Sunday I...
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you are so pretty and you like good movies and music ! yummy YOU ! love
FLA rocks !!
I am in the springs, thought I would let ya know
It is SO hot today!! i'm sitting half naked on my computer....sweating...its very hot. ditched school today, again. Now i feel bad cuz i've missed so many days!! went to work instead...didn't make very much..kinda sucks.
Trevor told me to say hello.... It's good to see that the people in the springs are coming around.
well I acctually work with Trevor in the army.... it sucks though.
I am staying home from school tonight because 30 minutes before i was about to leave, i suddenly got extremely dizzy. I think there's something wrong with me....i'm always getting dizzy and feeling sick for some reason and i don't know what it is. I went to the doctor like 6 months ago for the same reason and he said I had vertigo. I don't...
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Aw... Feel better. frown
I love your pic with the SP shirt. I wore that shirt for 10 years. Mine, of course, wasn't a babydoll tee. Now it's dearly departed to the big laundry pile in the sky. frown

P.S. Sorry you're sick. puke

[Edited on Jun 16, 2005 6:52PM]
went to school today (beauty school) been going since last october. anyways, they had a speaker come in and he's done makeup for the cell (the movie) so he showed us cool stuff and how to do realistic bruises. It was awesome. Did you know..you don't have to have a license to be a makeup artist?? If i had known that......damn. I'm a hairstylist....that can...
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how long before you get done with school? its amazing some of the stuff people can do with makeup. Did you ask him how he went about going that high up the ladder?

you should check out SG Colorado Group and you can see what else is going on with people in the state.
This weekend the SG Colorado Group has a party/bbq going on up near Denver. Most of the active people in Colorado are up that way, only four or five of us down in the Springs who actually talk to anyone. If you're looking to meet people, applying to the group is a good way to start. smile

My boyfriend is a photographer and we took a shoot on saturday with my friends ashley and nicole. drank a little too much (i swear nicole is an alcoholic and that's sad cuz she's only 18) Well, I ended up getting alcohol poisoning which has never happened in my life. It's kinda painful. I've been sick for the past 4 days!
ono; you gotta be careful with that stuff!!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon.

You gonna post some of the pics here? wink
Hey there... Thought I saw a new face. smile

Oh and yeah happy birthday fractal....
hello new c springs person smile
Hello! u are the first person to talk to me. How are u? i'm ok....just being bored. anyway, write back.
This is my first time writing in my journal. I've never had a journal before. So it is kindof weird. I don't have much to say at the moment. Just want to say....i think fractal is absolutely gorgeous!! Write more later. miao!!