I'm gonna vent:
damn, my two week vacation is deffinitly not going the way i thought it would. it's not fun. first of all, it is so hot i can't believe how hot it is. I live in colorado so im used to the cold and usually summer here isn't very hot but damn it is blistering.
I have a cold or something like it....
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damn, my two week vacation is deffinitly not going the way i thought it would. it's not fun. first of all, it is so hot i can't believe how hot it is. I live in colorado so im used to the cold and usually summer here isn't very hot but damn it is blistering.
I have a cold or something like it....
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I just ran through the sprinkler. It was fun and cooled me off a LOT...everyone should try it. I am bored today. I think my bf is mad at me because i missed 2 days of work and I told him i'd go in today, but i havn't yet. So i think he's mad at me for not going today either. I just don't fee...
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*yes I am in the SG colorado group.
*a doula is a professional birth assistant
*If you are bored u can still give a call
*a doula is a professional birth assistant
*If you are bored u can still give a call
to get into the colrado sg group I think that u have to go to a public event. After the public event then u need someone in the group to vouch for u. I will call Samantha and ask her though.

lol because i can't swim, if my life depended on it. my boyfriend and i went to the pool yesterday and i just sat in the shallow end. These little girls were all laughing at me. it was kinda funny.

Well gooooood luck chicky!!!!I hope you still have my e-mail address cause it changed and i tried to update my profile but I don't think it went through...try e-mailing me!

I got it done sunday and it looks awesome. I took some pictures with a regular camera that I should have soon but a friend of mine is bringing in his digital cam to take some for now.
don't even get me started on trying to swin
don't even get me started on trying to swin

Is there anyone here who can't swim??...
I tend to sink , no boyancy
I can doggy paddle... Does that count as swimming? Otherwise I just sink..
There has been times when I go to swimming
parties and I want to jump in so I do then some one has to fish me out because I sink. For some reason I keep jumping back in..
There has been times when I go to swimming
parties and I want to jump in so I do then some one has to fish me out because I sink. For some reason I keep jumping back in..
The party i went to last night was kinda boring! It was my boyfriends dads birthday party...thinking it would be fun. we stayed for like 4 hours and they didn't even play any music!...oh well.

So i actually did have a pretty good day at work yesterday. Made a whole lot more than i thought i was going to make. I have a party to go to tonight. I had something else i wanted to say, but completely forgot! well, everyone have fun
i saw dark water last night and it was pretty good! the ending was sad tho....it was...
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i saw dark water last night and it was pretty good! the ending was sad tho....it was...
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It is so hot today. I had to teach my grandma how to use the internet today and it took quite a while. she still didn't get it down. it was kinda funny lol. it took her a long time to grasp the subject of double clicking an icon lol. but i love her so it's ok.
I washed my car today! now it's all...
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I washed my car today! now it's all...
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Good luck. 

old people on computers is pretty funny.
hope work went well
hope work went well
Oh yeah so i took 2 weeks off of school! woohoo! cuz i really needed a break and i was getting burned out quickly. plus i think everyone deserves a summer break right? so i'm gonna relax and not worry about it for 2 weeks
It has been so hot this summer. Last summer was rainy and wet and kinda cold actually and this summer...
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So we did another photo shoot last night. 2 actually. My friend Ashley and i colored on eachother with pastels...and i still have some on me! then my boyfriend and me and like 3 other people dug a 4 foot hole in the backyard and we did another shoot of me being a zombie coming out of the hole, biting my friend leah's leg and...
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i am very lonely today. actually have been for the past few days. no one calls me anymore
well, my sister is having a party tonight so hopefully that'll change how my week is going. I just don't want to drink cuz i've been doing that a lot lately. like too much. oh well. k well, bye for now.

's for you !

i work at a clothing store and i have been volunteering at a "no kill" animal shelter for over 2 years now. im quitting my job soon so i can work with the animals..i hope

School was so boring today. I forgot my manican AGAIN... just had to sit there for 5 hours and do absolutely nothing. I think i'm getting sick. I've had a soar throat for the past few days. Oh well. I'm so bored right now. I'm home all alone just waiting for something to happen....and nothing is happening so i guess i will go and do...
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I work as a super secret squirl! i kinda dont want to say were i work because it SUX!
oh yeah...my
name is O.B. because i found him in a trashcan on the Ocean Beach cliffs! twas a small kitty kitty he twas!

oh yeah...my

So, Ive been talking to Adema lately. She's so cute! Makes me wanna go across the world to visit her!

so, i didnt know if you figured out how to pots pictures ? i usually just load the pic in to one of my "my pictures" sections and then i click on the picture i want to put in my journal and right click on the picture and scroll down to hit "properties"
and then highlight the "http" thingy (i dont know what its called..the whole link) and hit "copy" and then go to your update section like you would to post a new journal and push image and paste it in the window there and..walla !..whew ! i think thats how you do it . im pretty new at it too..heeh ! i hope i helped !
Sounds to me like your boy is just using you; guys aren't nearly clever enough to think of a scheme like that until they get cornered. Plus not spending any time with you when you are right there is pretty obvious.
Oh well life will work itself out; hope you feel better soon. Just drink tons of water and get out for a bit and you should be okay.