So........Thursday afternoon my Tim McGraw lovin' neighbor is out mowing his lawn when he didn't notice a GIANT RED CABLE laying across his yard (which the cable company failed to bury in the first place) and runs over it tearing it to shit which left me without TV and internet until a couple of hours ago. Once again, I am reminded of how dependent (sad as it may be) we are on modern commodities. Is that a good thing? I mean, it's good to grow with the times, but to depend on them greatly? I still managed to read and exercise, but you really don't miss what you have until your dumbass redneck neighbor takes it away.
No TV and no beer make Homer something something......
P.S. Finals week is this week, so I apologize in advance if I don't pop in every now and then. 5 tests in 5 days all at 7:30 AM. Literary Masterpieces 1500-Present, Calc 2, Electrodynamics, Aural Skills and Theory, and Texas History. WOO!!
No TV and no beer make Homer something something......

P.S. Finals week is this week, so I apologize in advance if I don't pop in every now and then. 5 tests in 5 days all at 7:30 AM. Literary Masterpieces 1500-Present, Calc 2, Electrodynamics, Aural Skills and Theory, and Texas History. WOO!!

