Quiz time ladies and gents.
Inspired by Flux's recent journal entry, (here and here) , I'd like to ask a couple of questions to all my, if I may take the liberty to call you, friends.
People are always stating what their bothers are and how people are stupid and ignorant. Yes, we all know that. Question 1: What the hell are YOU going to do about it. I just think it's funny how people always complain, but never try to resolve, which is why I always keep quiet about my ideas. It's a waste of breath to try and argue with people who just WILL NOT understand. I think it's a lot safer and smarter to just keep quiet and watch it all crumble and let people make jackasses of themselves. Gives me a lot more time to do things that are beneficial to me. Question 2: What's your idea of a utopian society, and what would the process be to achieve that sort of status?
P.S. Let me have it and don't be shy. Especially you Faust
Update: COME ON PEOPLE. Simple question. This isn't exactly letting me have it. At least not that way, Liger. You're cool I guess.
Inspired by Flux's recent journal entry, (here and here) , I'd like to ask a couple of questions to all my, if I may take the liberty to call you, friends.
People are always stating what their bothers are and how people are stupid and ignorant. Yes, we all know that. Question 1: What the hell are YOU going to do about it. I just think it's funny how people always complain, but never try to resolve, which is why I always keep quiet about my ideas. It's a waste of breath to try and argue with people who just WILL NOT understand. I think it's a lot safer and smarter to just keep quiet and watch it all crumble and let people make jackasses of themselves. Gives me a lot more time to do things that are beneficial to me. Question 2: What's your idea of a utopian society, and what would the process be to achieve that sort of status?
P.S. Let me have it and don't be shy. Especially you Faust

Update: COME ON PEOPLE. Simple question. This isn't exactly letting me have it. At least not that way, Liger. You're cool I guess.

On text sources,
Most of what I told you can be read on Wikipedia, and to be honest, I was remembering what I read there more than citing textual sources. However, I am not unread on the subject, and if you want to see what I was talking about illustrated instead of just described, I can tell you where to go.
For a perspective on Zen which emphasizes the mind-science aspect:
A Tune Beyond the Clouds edited and translated by J.C. Cleary. He may not be the best translater in the world, but the discussion of Buddha-mind and the history of Zen are enough to give you an overview without any gross factual errors, and the translated teachings of "Stone River" (Shique Xinyue) should demonstrate the emphasis on mind and mental change.
I would advise against reading Three Pillars of Zen. Kapleau means well, but his view of Zen is far too dogmatic to do justice to the tradition as a whole. He seems to feel like his roshi knows more than any other, and de-emphasizes "getting a second opinion" on Zen. Discourse and debate is at the heart of all traditions which originate in India, and Kapleau seems to be completely unaware of that.
My suggestion for a treatment of Tibetan Buddhism is going to be odd, but remember that I'm not endorsing its historical account (because it doesn't really offer one) or the evaluation of the author (because I don't trust him). That being said, the description of a Tibetan monastery found in Arkon Daraul's Secret Societies: A History should turn you on to the heavy emphasis on esoteric practices, Tantra, and mysticism. Don't worry about all the stuff he says about their use of drugs to make him see stuff because it's all conjecture on his part. The image that he reads off of them (what he thinks they're trying to project) is what matters here,
Hope that helps