Well, I apologize for not being around for the past few days...............WE MOVED! Out of an aparrtment, and into a home. In all the years I've been here in the US consecutively (about 3) we have lived in an apartment, and lemme tell you, the addition of about 30,000 sq. feet to your living space does quite a number on your emotions and thoughts.
Feel free to drop in and congratulate me on my "American Dream", granted I now will have to acquire a white picket fence, a dog, a pickup truck and giant obnoxious Texas flag on my porch like all my other freedom-lovin', terrorist-hatin', Go Bush!, redneck neighbors. I'm in for quite a treat during the following months. They're all gonna adore my drumset and my daily rehearsals.
Speaking of which, I want to theme up my room a little bit without it screaming "tacky interior decorator hired". A pleasing, relaxing color, new furniture, would be fine. Any suggestions???
-I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions.-

Feel free to drop in and congratulate me on my "American Dream", granted I now will have to acquire a white picket fence, a dog, a pickup truck and giant obnoxious Texas flag on my porch like all my other freedom-lovin', terrorist-hatin', Go Bush!, redneck neighbors. I'm in for quite a treat during the following months. They're all gonna adore my drumset and my daily rehearsals.
Speaking of which, I want to theme up my room a little bit without it screaming "tacky interior decorator hired". A pleasing, relaxing color, new furniture, would be fine. Any suggestions???
-I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions.-
Okay, real advice now: IKEA. Can't quite love it. Can't quite hate it, but gotta respect the random shit you can get to fill a room for next to no $$$$.