Ok, so it's been more than a week, and I've kept everyone waiting. To tell you the truth, this new year has already brought a lot of happiness but a lot of suffering too. Now, I'm not quite sure if it's the remnants of last year's shitty luck chain and it's one of those things that you sort of have to hang in there and deal with it, or it's the start of another shitty luck chain. I'm hoping it's not the latter. Things started off excellent the first couple of weeks of January, then for some reason, they turned completely around as soon as that second week ended and now things are worse than ever before. My car is gone, money is an abstract concept, school and parental pressure is at its worse, and I've been constantly sick and hungerless. Strength, as many people would say, is the best cure for these sort of events, and I'm willing to go further like this without giving in to happenstance. The only problem is that it's getting harder and harder to keep your head up and be optimistic. The only choice I have is to see this out to the end and come out a changed person.
Isn't this what the new year is all about? Change?
Isn't this what the new year is all about? Change?
nel, yo digo que el nuebo ao debe de ser mas desmadre ese

Ah, the benefits of not smoking.