The best news I noticed last weekend was on Discovery Channel, it seems this entire planet will implode in 2011. Pretty cool. Probably the best for this shithole of a planet, don't ya think so?
In the last decades motherfuckers were busy to make fucking animals just as important as human beings. Indeed those activisits are always a part of the so called Losers Society.
None of the Losers seems to understand a fuck about economics, they all like to blame the industry and it seems they don't understand it's all about the consumers in the Western World. Nobody ever asked their neighbours "Are you prepared to pay 12 Euro for 12 eggs? Are you prepared to pay 6.50 Euro for a Big Mac. Are you prepared to be a volunteer in the pharmaceutical industry, is it okay to test makeup on your pretty face, etc, etc, etc.
In fact they all failed, those activist were a pain in the ass of the industry but never be able to change a fuck, just because they are such an epic failures.
My suggestion was always use those motherfuckers as testing persons for the industry, and humanaly euthanize them afterwards. A positive effect of the humanly euthanize thingie is that the members of the Loser Society are doing something in return for the economy and mostly they are also the parasites of society. Not bad to get rid off them anyway. These dudes are responsible for the waste of a lot of money, like public assistance and unpaid bills.
At this moment the world is a financial recession. The members of the Loser Society all forget animals rights and are pretty busy to bully richer people, to blame banks, to blame companies and governments.
Regardeless most of these losers never finished school, a lot of these dudes do believe having a criminal record is equal to having a proper CV. Most of them are in debts, no matter what their age is, having debts is cool and very common in the worldwide Loser Society. Of course there is always an excuse for having debts, but they never admit they had their own responsibility.
Of course the Loser Society is a huge worldwide community. A couple of countries even have a word for this phenomenon and are talking about the underclass. It does piss them off, you cant call them that and its fucking insulting. At the other hand its all okay to set companies on fire or to call richer dudes greedy motherfuckers.
They do have one thing in common. Pride. Pride to be poor, pride to live out on the streets, being gangsters, even white gangstahs are founded (yeah, no shit there are even white gangstah rappers in Belgium, isn't that funny!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha) , they do have their own music, some even think being a criminal is legitimate because they are the victims of the establishment.
The same dudes think it's their right to talk bullshit about banks, to talk bullshit about companies, to hate governments, and to hate people who are richer as them.
In their opinion all directors, members of supervisory boards, managers are fucking white board criminals. They are responsible for the worldwide financial recession and more. They are to blame for the shitty situation the poor dudes have to cope with.
I think its all bullshit and time for a chance. Since skint dudes are allowed to be proud of being poor it should be fair enough that rich people can be proud of being rich. But rich people who say they are proud to be rich are showing off and bullying the poor dudes. Again evidence how hypocritical poor dudes can be.
In these days richer people are greedy bastards and shitty motherfuckers. But let me help you again; having fat bank accounts, fat wages, owning companies or being a executive in a company isn't a crime. It's also very normal as people don't have debts. Not having debts doesn't make other people bastards.
Many successful people really have the right to be proud as fuck. Many people started with nothing, worked their ass off, so many hours, had no fucking private life anymore, because they lived by business first. So yes, they do have the right to be proud. Those people are not spoiled brats.
Most of them are also not responsible for the fininancial recession. Of course some politicians, CEOs, boards of supervisors and many companies active in the financial industry failed or even commited crimes.
They are partly responsible for the situation this world is in nowadays. But the word partly means there were other dudes responsible for this too.
Who the fuck are they then?
It are all those lazy motherfuckers who are in fucking debts. Those idiots with no income, no assets who ran to every fucking bank for credit cards, consumers credit and bank loans. Spending fucking money what is not really their own money. Those under-educated, unemployed motherfuckers who knew they never could pay the money back. That's criminal too, signing a fucking contract, reading about how you should pay the money back while you know you never can pay it back.
Of course those dudes are blaming the government, the government was sleeping and the evil financial industry abused them. What the fuck? Don't they have their own responsibility? Weren't they signing fucking contracts and realizing they were in no fucking way be able to pay the money back. Aren't they fucking cheaters as well.
Do people with extreme debts have the right to call rich people greedy bastards? Why are they in debts? Isn't using a fucking creditcard while you know you can never pay the money back also greedy.
My mother always told me: You only can buy cool stuff as you can afford it". The members of the Loser Society want to have it all and used money from creditcards and consumers credit to buy a flatscreen TV, or to pay the bills in the pub, to buy drugs, to go to gigs, to buy luxery stuff.
They never gave a shit about paying the money back. So who the fuck is greedy? Just the rich people and companies?
Many months ago a Dutch bank director shoot a bullet in his head, his body was found near London, because dude felt guilty for his own actions. A couple of Dutch Banks and British Banks where near bankruptcy and had to be saved with public money paid by the British and Dutch governements. Dude with the bullet in the head was responsible for this situation, not the bank, not the consumers and also not two governments (they had to fix what dude fucked up).
Fucking important for governements to save banks, if they don't did it, the effects really get out of control and it means many, many, many companies and hard working civilians are really fucked. It would be a disaster for every civilian in the UK or the Netherlands if those banks really got bankrupt.
To understand that you do need some education and a bit knowledge about economics. Losers in general don't had much education so they better can believe me.
Anyway this big financial industry dude felt responsible and commited suicide. I think this should be followed by the members of the Losers Society. Of course they do have debts and its mostly just 10,000 Euro. Not unusual for the average 23 year old in many countries. A cool word "just ten thousand Euro". I wished I got "just" 10,000 Euro every fucking day, since these dudes claim "it's not that much". I will help you it is not just 10,000 Euro, it's really a shitload of money. Even 1,500 Euro is a lot of money!
But they do miss their point to claim the evil managers stole millions of Euros. We only have a handful managers who really commited crimes. Indeed they grabbed millions.
At the other hand one single member of the Loser Society does forget he/she is not alone. Not difficult to find in the same neighbourhood 50 other dudes with that kind of extreme debts.
Together (and worldwide) they are responsible for billions of Pounds, Euros and Dollars. In these days of recession everyone knows this money is gone. It never can be paid off.
Banks who got public money do have to pay it back. Fair enough. It's not their money and was meant to save the banks in rescue attempts of the governments. It means the money is not gone and JUST parked for a while in banks. Even meant to pump money in the economy to keep the economy running. A huge difference compared to the money which is really lost and in the consumer credits. That money will never return.
So I'm waiting for the first dude with extreme debts who commited suicide for the reason they feel responsible for the recession. I am aware many do kill themselves but thats for the reason that they know they are in shit and cant continue their luxery and lazy life style. They know if they ever find a job they have to pay all their debts off. So life sucks in their opinion and there is no future anymore. Many do start to write shitty emo blogs, a lot of moaning and hoping for empathy of the internet audience, but it isn't helpful at all.
Getting of your fucking lazy ass and going on the job hunt may be helpful. But the excuse is always there are no jobs. That's because they never really start a serious job hunt. They think there are no jobs cus another lazy motherfucker drops a comment on fucking Twitter, MySpace or even here on this lovely website that there are no jobs and you better can become an adult webcam entertainer, or getting drunk, smoking pot and sending out all the rage about the shitty motherfucking world.
Even having tattoos is a good excuse for being unemployed, the evil world doesnt want it. Let me be clear, I know many dudes with a shit load of tattoos (not the widely spread shitty tramp-stamps, but cool tattoo art) and they all have jobs and some are pretty succesful too.
I really don't get it anymore as I read a shitty blog that a skint girl got rejected for a job because she has tattoos and one week later she is showing her new tattoo? What the fuck, two questions are rising: How can a skint girl afford the tattoo (a tattoo is not really cheap) and does it make sense to take a new tattoo while you are serious on the job hunt and already experience some employers don't want dudes with tattoos.
Rockstars, pornstars, prince william can take tattoos wherever they like. Cus they really don't have a reason to give two shits.
Britney Spears can tattoo the word slut on her forehead, cus she doesn't have to go on a jobhunt. Nobody gives a fuck what she is doing, it's her life, she has her own money and doesn't need a job. But silly Britney does know she never gets a job with her new looks.
Since most dudes are not Britney Spears, rockstars or pornstars (no, a SG is not a pornstar/maybe they are or some think they are but most Suicidegirls don't have an income which is equal to the average pornstar income). It does mean they need jobs and they have to think about the consequences and they have to take responsibility.
Fuck I sound a bit like my mom, talking about consequences and responsible for your own actions, haha!
Anyways the internet is full of emo blogs, moaning about the shitty skint life style, but it doesn't change a fuck.
Some whiteboard criminals are in jail nowadays or have to face criminal trial. It's a good thing, they will be punished for their crimes.
But what about all those losers, do we have to send them to jail too. For having extreme debts? I bet many countries in the western world have to build new prisons first.
So my advise to all the poor and skint dudes in this world is to think before you start to talk out of you ass. If you are too stupid to have a debate than you better can shut the fuck up.
Stop collective bashing of companies and your shitty senseless activism. I think it does get out of control. I'm afraid some companies are facing bankruptcy. The media, left wing lazy motherfuckers and shitty students who don't have anything better to do are responsible for this.
The Dutch DSB bank made mistakes, the owner took his responsbility and after negotiations he admitted his mistakes, he offered to pay people money back and to sort things out with all his clients.
In fact a bank and a bank owner who admitted they where wrong. The admitted to be guilty and they admitted they fucked many consumers. I think this is really great. Honesty and being prepared to solve problems for their 'victims'.
Today it seems it wasn't enough and very stupid of this bank. Honesty isn't a great thing for the Losers Society at all. They are now sure how evil this company is, no more conspiracy and the words of the owner are clear evidence. Base on this evidence it should mean this company has to receive the death penalty. I think the bank owner know he better could shut his mouth and refusing to help the victims. If he had chosen to remain silence his company was not in serious troubles today. Thanks to the media, the left wing assholes and of course all the members of the so called Losers Society this bank is near bankruptcy and probalby has to close doors.
This is not really helpful to solve the crisis.
I think everyone in the entire western world, no matter what colour, religion, nationality or how much money they own should join hands, being united, together doing attempts to solve the crisis.
Not moaning the rich dudes have to bleed for the recession. We all have to bleed for it. Rich and Poor, we all are to blame for it. President Bush, Gordon Brown, Lehman Brothers, companies, banks, stock market, but also many many many people with debts.
Update: Dutch central bank took over the running of DSB which it said is on the verge of bankruptcy. So thank you loser society, a job well done and another company send to hell.
Anyway this bank was to small to be rescued, it was just about 8 billion Euro. The government doesnt feel the need to rescue this bank. They are right, in economics it was stupid to use public money to rescue a not important bank in the economic system.
The European Bank and Dutch Central Bank also inject money. So yes, the crisis will hard on many consumers and small companies. 8 billion Euro is gone!!!!!!!!!!! And for many people this will hit very very hard.
And no government, no company can be held responsible for this drama.
All those families, hardworking dudes working in small companies, dudes who have all their saved up money at this bank are in my thoughts. Sure many ppl will lose their job, many small companies are facing bankruptcy too, and complete families are ruined for the rest of their life.
Be proud left wing media and all your stupid believers and even the skint lazy motherfuckers didn't realize what they did.
p.s. I can't be arsed anyway, I still can pay all my bills.
In the last decades motherfuckers were busy to make fucking animals just as important as human beings. Indeed those activisits are always a part of the so called Losers Society.
None of the Losers seems to understand a fuck about economics, they all like to blame the industry and it seems they don't understand it's all about the consumers in the Western World. Nobody ever asked their neighbours "Are you prepared to pay 12 Euro for 12 eggs? Are you prepared to pay 6.50 Euro for a Big Mac. Are you prepared to be a volunteer in the pharmaceutical industry, is it okay to test makeup on your pretty face, etc, etc, etc.
In fact they all failed, those activist were a pain in the ass of the industry but never be able to change a fuck, just because they are such an epic failures.
My suggestion was always use those motherfuckers as testing persons for the industry, and humanaly euthanize them afterwards. A positive effect of the humanly euthanize thingie is that the members of the Loser Society are doing something in return for the economy and mostly they are also the parasites of society. Not bad to get rid off them anyway. These dudes are responsible for the waste of a lot of money, like public assistance and unpaid bills.
At this moment the world is a financial recession. The members of the Loser Society all forget animals rights and are pretty busy to bully richer people, to blame banks, to blame companies and governments.
Regardeless most of these losers never finished school, a lot of these dudes do believe having a criminal record is equal to having a proper CV. Most of them are in debts, no matter what their age is, having debts is cool and very common in the worldwide Loser Society. Of course there is always an excuse for having debts, but they never admit they had their own responsibility.
Of course the Loser Society is a huge worldwide community. A couple of countries even have a word for this phenomenon and are talking about the underclass. It does piss them off, you cant call them that and its fucking insulting. At the other hand its all okay to set companies on fire or to call richer dudes greedy motherfuckers.
They do have one thing in common. Pride. Pride to be poor, pride to live out on the streets, being gangsters, even white gangstahs are founded (yeah, no shit there are even white gangstah rappers in Belgium, isn't that funny!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha) , they do have their own music, some even think being a criminal is legitimate because they are the victims of the establishment.
The same dudes think it's their right to talk bullshit about banks, to talk bullshit about companies, to hate governments, and to hate people who are richer as them.
In their opinion all directors, members of supervisory boards, managers are fucking white board criminals. They are responsible for the worldwide financial recession and more. They are to blame for the shitty situation the poor dudes have to cope with.
I think its all bullshit and time for a chance. Since skint dudes are allowed to be proud of being poor it should be fair enough that rich people can be proud of being rich. But rich people who say they are proud to be rich are showing off and bullying the poor dudes. Again evidence how hypocritical poor dudes can be.
In these days richer people are greedy bastards and shitty motherfuckers. But let me help you again; having fat bank accounts, fat wages, owning companies or being a executive in a company isn't a crime. It's also very normal as people don't have debts. Not having debts doesn't make other people bastards.
Many successful people really have the right to be proud as fuck. Many people started with nothing, worked their ass off, so many hours, had no fucking private life anymore, because they lived by business first. So yes, they do have the right to be proud. Those people are not spoiled brats.
Most of them are also not responsible for the fininancial recession. Of course some politicians, CEOs, boards of supervisors and many companies active in the financial industry failed or even commited crimes.
They are partly responsible for the situation this world is in nowadays. But the word partly means there were other dudes responsible for this too.
Who the fuck are they then?
It are all those lazy motherfuckers who are in fucking debts. Those idiots with no income, no assets who ran to every fucking bank for credit cards, consumers credit and bank loans. Spending fucking money what is not really their own money. Those under-educated, unemployed motherfuckers who knew they never could pay the money back. That's criminal too, signing a fucking contract, reading about how you should pay the money back while you know you never can pay it back.
Of course those dudes are blaming the government, the government was sleeping and the evil financial industry abused them. What the fuck? Don't they have their own responsibility? Weren't they signing fucking contracts and realizing they were in no fucking way be able to pay the money back. Aren't they fucking cheaters as well.
Do people with extreme debts have the right to call rich people greedy bastards? Why are they in debts? Isn't using a fucking creditcard while you know you can never pay the money back also greedy.
My mother always told me: You only can buy cool stuff as you can afford it". The members of the Loser Society want to have it all and used money from creditcards and consumers credit to buy a flatscreen TV, or to pay the bills in the pub, to buy drugs, to go to gigs, to buy luxery stuff.
They never gave a shit about paying the money back. So who the fuck is greedy? Just the rich people and companies?
Many months ago a Dutch bank director shoot a bullet in his head, his body was found near London, because dude felt guilty for his own actions. A couple of Dutch Banks and British Banks where near bankruptcy and had to be saved with public money paid by the British and Dutch governements. Dude with the bullet in the head was responsible for this situation, not the bank, not the consumers and also not two governments (they had to fix what dude fucked up).
Fucking important for governements to save banks, if they don't did it, the effects really get out of control and it means many, many, many companies and hard working civilians are really fucked. It would be a disaster for every civilian in the UK or the Netherlands if those banks really got bankrupt.
To understand that you do need some education and a bit knowledge about economics. Losers in general don't had much education so they better can believe me.
Anyway this big financial industry dude felt responsible and commited suicide. I think this should be followed by the members of the Losers Society. Of course they do have debts and its mostly just 10,000 Euro. Not unusual for the average 23 year old in many countries. A cool word "just ten thousand Euro". I wished I got "just" 10,000 Euro every fucking day, since these dudes claim "it's not that much". I will help you it is not just 10,000 Euro, it's really a shitload of money. Even 1,500 Euro is a lot of money!
But they do miss their point to claim the evil managers stole millions of Euros. We only have a handful managers who really commited crimes. Indeed they grabbed millions.
At the other hand one single member of the Loser Society does forget he/she is not alone. Not difficult to find in the same neighbourhood 50 other dudes with that kind of extreme debts.
Together (and worldwide) they are responsible for billions of Pounds, Euros and Dollars. In these days of recession everyone knows this money is gone. It never can be paid off.
Banks who got public money do have to pay it back. Fair enough. It's not their money and was meant to save the banks in rescue attempts of the governments. It means the money is not gone and JUST parked for a while in banks. Even meant to pump money in the economy to keep the economy running. A huge difference compared to the money which is really lost and in the consumer credits. That money will never return.
So I'm waiting for the first dude with extreme debts who commited suicide for the reason they feel responsible for the recession. I am aware many do kill themselves but thats for the reason that they know they are in shit and cant continue their luxery and lazy life style. They know if they ever find a job they have to pay all their debts off. So life sucks in their opinion and there is no future anymore. Many do start to write shitty emo blogs, a lot of moaning and hoping for empathy of the internet audience, but it isn't helpful at all.
Getting of your fucking lazy ass and going on the job hunt may be helpful. But the excuse is always there are no jobs. That's because they never really start a serious job hunt. They think there are no jobs cus another lazy motherfucker drops a comment on fucking Twitter, MySpace or even here on this lovely website that there are no jobs and you better can become an adult webcam entertainer, or getting drunk, smoking pot and sending out all the rage about the shitty motherfucking world.
Even having tattoos is a good excuse for being unemployed, the evil world doesnt want it. Let me be clear, I know many dudes with a shit load of tattoos (not the widely spread shitty tramp-stamps, but cool tattoo art) and they all have jobs and some are pretty succesful too.
I really don't get it anymore as I read a shitty blog that a skint girl got rejected for a job because she has tattoos and one week later she is showing her new tattoo? What the fuck, two questions are rising: How can a skint girl afford the tattoo (a tattoo is not really cheap) and does it make sense to take a new tattoo while you are serious on the job hunt and already experience some employers don't want dudes with tattoos.
Rockstars, pornstars, prince william can take tattoos wherever they like. Cus they really don't have a reason to give two shits.
Britney Spears can tattoo the word slut on her forehead, cus she doesn't have to go on a jobhunt. Nobody gives a fuck what she is doing, it's her life, she has her own money and doesn't need a job. But silly Britney does know she never gets a job with her new looks.
Since most dudes are not Britney Spears, rockstars or pornstars (no, a SG is not a pornstar/maybe they are or some think they are but most Suicidegirls don't have an income which is equal to the average pornstar income). It does mean they need jobs and they have to think about the consequences and they have to take responsibility.
Fuck I sound a bit like my mom, talking about consequences and responsible for your own actions, haha!
Anyways the internet is full of emo blogs, moaning about the shitty skint life style, but it doesn't change a fuck.
Some whiteboard criminals are in jail nowadays or have to face criminal trial. It's a good thing, they will be punished for their crimes.
But what about all those losers, do we have to send them to jail too. For having extreme debts? I bet many countries in the western world have to build new prisons first.
So my advise to all the poor and skint dudes in this world is to think before you start to talk out of you ass. If you are too stupid to have a debate than you better can shut the fuck up.
Stop collective bashing of companies and your shitty senseless activism. I think it does get out of control. I'm afraid some companies are facing bankruptcy. The media, left wing lazy motherfuckers and shitty students who don't have anything better to do are responsible for this.
The Dutch DSB bank made mistakes, the owner took his responsbility and after negotiations he admitted his mistakes, he offered to pay people money back and to sort things out with all his clients.
In fact a bank and a bank owner who admitted they where wrong. The admitted to be guilty and they admitted they fucked many consumers. I think this is really great. Honesty and being prepared to solve problems for their 'victims'.
Today it seems it wasn't enough and very stupid of this bank. Honesty isn't a great thing for the Losers Society at all. They are now sure how evil this company is, no more conspiracy and the words of the owner are clear evidence. Base on this evidence it should mean this company has to receive the death penalty. I think the bank owner know he better could shut his mouth and refusing to help the victims. If he had chosen to remain silence his company was not in serious troubles today. Thanks to the media, the left wing assholes and of course all the members of the so called Losers Society this bank is near bankruptcy and probalby has to close doors.
This is not really helpful to solve the crisis.
I think everyone in the entire western world, no matter what colour, religion, nationality or how much money they own should join hands, being united, together doing attempts to solve the crisis.
Not moaning the rich dudes have to bleed for the recession. We all have to bleed for it. Rich and Poor, we all are to blame for it. President Bush, Gordon Brown, Lehman Brothers, companies, banks, stock market, but also many many many people with debts.
Update: Dutch central bank took over the running of DSB which it said is on the verge of bankruptcy. So thank you loser society, a job well done and another company send to hell.
Anyway this bank was to small to be rescued, it was just about 8 billion Euro. The government doesnt feel the need to rescue this bank. They are right, in economics it was stupid to use public money to rescue a not important bank in the economic system.
The European Bank and Dutch Central Bank also inject money. So yes, the crisis will hard on many consumers and small companies. 8 billion Euro is gone!!!!!!!!!!! And for many people this will hit very very hard.
And no government, no company can be held responsible for this drama.
All those families, hardworking dudes working in small companies, dudes who have all their saved up money at this bank are in my thoughts. Sure many ppl will lose their job, many small companies are facing bankruptcy too, and complete families are ruined for the rest of their life.
Be proud left wing media and all your stupid believers and even the skint lazy motherfuckers didn't realize what they did.
p.s. I can't be arsed anyway, I still can pay all my bills.
Alles goed met u?