As I exhale the fog of war, elucidation occurs. Blood thins, pupils dialate, my eyes no longer wait to see the hell that men create. Persistant intervention and rehabilitation for an entire nation of mental patients. Patience, patience is hard for me these days and nights and weeks and months and years and years and years go by and nothing has progressed save technology and the marketing machine. God help us all. We have allowed ourselves to be used by such spiritually homicidal institutions for generations. What wasteland shall be left for my great-grandchildren? I have watched our sons and daughters raised to be lambs for the slaughter. Entire cyclic communities corrode into ethereal ghost-towns run by meth. Suburbs becoming safe-havens for coke-heads, smack-fiends, and drunks that just popped up a class on the junky hierarchy. tic*
My gnostic search continues.... Diagnosis- an entire country of anxiety/personality disorders. Welcome to the world of self-medication, my fellow Americans...
My gnostic search continues.... Diagnosis- an entire country of anxiety/personality disorders. Welcome to the world of self-medication, my fellow Americans...
ah, but you are so much more interesting that way. (and more fun)