I'm really angry about being fired without notice or explanation now. I did all my EDD stuff but I'm not waiting for that to come around, I want to work and I want to be productive and make money. When not looking for work I guess I'm supposed to concentrate on me things, the things that make me what I am. I should have been a painter rather than a writer but I didn't have a choice/ I suppose I could do whatever I want. Writing just takes so much time, editing, editing, editing and then new ideas and editing.
More Blogs
So Sad
This morning's eggs tasted soapy. I need to rinse more diligently. -
How's my day going?
Just dandy thanks! -
One Week
It's been a week without work and it feels weird. It's not like a v… -
Day Two
I'm really angry about being fired without notice or explanation no… -
I'm looking for something good to eat that will make me happy and s… -
This. Thing.
I got a little sick last week and it escalated and now it lingers. … -
Stuck in the 8O's
I'm listening to my iTunes in chronological order and I"m deep into… -
Today I listened to a Lot of Kiss and I'm not saying that it's a go… -
A Solid Start
Today I started the day with Steak and Eggs which is traditionally …