Turkey was swallowed and so were all the fixin's.
So December is really this Saturday?
My Gift list is excellently short this year especially with the lack of a signiffican other to worry about.
My Rent got raised.
I need to go to the gym
I finally rearranged my appartment and now my desk is in the kitchen where I can just reach over and pop open the fridge and eat the scrapes of "food" that reside within.
It's getting dark too early; I don't recall it ever getting dark so fast on the west coast . . . maybe back east
So December is really this Saturday?
My Gift list is excellently short this year especially with the lack of a signiffican other to worry about.
My Rent got raised.
I need to go to the gym
I finally rearranged my appartment and now my desk is in the kitchen where I can just reach over and pop open the fridge and eat the scrapes of "food" that reside within.
It's getting dark too early; I don't recall it ever getting dark so fast on the west coast . . . maybe back east

I agree. It's too dark. Well, we have less than 30 days until it starts getting lighter again.