Oh the crap falls heavy upon my head.
As a disclaimer I'm blaming the alcohol on this one. (as well as any misspelled words)
So I am a guy in a commited relationship and if you've read any of my entries you know that it's not smooth sailing all the time. I haven't cheated on my girlfriend and I haven't even been tempted beyond a fleating second. Tonight however I went to a coworker's birthday party and I met this woman who did it for me. The look in her eye, or her voice, or her walk, or something caused me to think of a different situation. I wasn't swept away, I wasn't even seduced, I was just taken by her.
I don't know; I feel dirty even though nothing happened and I feel wrong even though it was all just an urge that was mostly fueled by booze.
As a disclaimer I'm blaming the alcohol on this one. (as well as any misspelled words)
So I am a guy in a commited relationship and if you've read any of my entries you know that it's not smooth sailing all the time. I haven't cheated on my girlfriend and I haven't even been tempted beyond a fleating second. Tonight however I went to a coworker's birthday party and I met this woman who did it for me. The look in her eye, or her voice, or her walk, or something caused me to think of a different situation. I wasn't swept away, I wasn't even seduced, I was just taken by her.
I don't know; I feel dirty even though nothing happened and I feel wrong even though it was all just an urge that was mostly fueled by booze.

I don't know what to tell you except that it's natural and healty as long as you don't act on it.
As the great Lloyd Christmas once said, "Be strong".
Words to live by my friend.
Happy Holidays!