i want a drink like you wouldn't believe. these are the moments when all the times i sat with friends in missoula and drank beer for eight hours and only spent fifteen bucks and talked to the hobos and watched the fights in the bar and played all the good songs on the jukebox and beat the shit out of some redneck asshole at pool.
one time, it was iggy pop's birthday, and i worked a double washing dishes at the shack. i went down to jay's cause there was this beautiful bartender named moira who always let me drink the rainier beer out of the can for free, and one night she kissed me at the bar, but that wasn't this night. this night it was iggy's birthday, and i kept getting drunker and drunker, and my friend robert showed up, and we got loud as hell, felt like staying up to drink more, and got a six pack from moira. on the way to a friend's apartment, these two kids called us faggots and i flicked them off, and then they chased us down and one of them had a rain stick, you know those things they sell at those earth stores in the mall, you turn them upside down, and it's supposed to sound like rain. one of them. and this kids smashed me and almost broke my arm. and then they called us faggots some more, but they quit messing with us cause robert was this big ass dude you wouldn't mess with.
a year later robert cut my arm open with a knife as a way to end this stupid drunk conversation we were having, and now i have this scar on my arm that looks like a botched suicide. but it keeps robert in my head.
one time, it was iggy pop's birthday, and i worked a double washing dishes at the shack. i went down to jay's cause there was this beautiful bartender named moira who always let me drink the rainier beer out of the can for free, and one night she kissed me at the bar, but that wasn't this night. this night it was iggy's birthday, and i kept getting drunker and drunker, and my friend robert showed up, and we got loud as hell, felt like staying up to drink more, and got a six pack from moira. on the way to a friend's apartment, these two kids called us faggots and i flicked them off, and then they chased us down and one of them had a rain stick, you know those things they sell at those earth stores in the mall, you turn them upside down, and it's supposed to sound like rain. one of them. and this kids smashed me and almost broke my arm. and then they called us faggots some more, but they quit messing with us cause robert was this big ass dude you wouldn't mess with.
a year later robert cut my arm open with a knife as a way to end this stupid drunk conversation we were having, and now i have this scar on my arm that looks like a botched suicide. but it keeps robert in my head.