fuck it
home life sucks. I just want to work and do my work. I want to come home and have a few beers to relax and have some fun between the sheets or on the kitchen counter or in the car at 100 mph. Is this so much to ask. Why can't you juggle both side at once.
your sister called... she left a message on your mobile. she is pretending to be a brit at the moment. she doesn't know why. she is quite saddened to have missed your call. she is speaking in the third person. perhaps she is the queen! that would explain it. we don't know why you can't juggle both sides at once - that must be a plague of the lower classes. we say, let them eat cake! and pussy! and cock should they desire it! indeed. we thought it was tuesday. the "royal" we, that is.

wow, trying to stay consistent in that way sucks ass. seriously, i have no idea what the days are. i just get up, put on eyeliner after brushing the teeth... think about you when i shower and lotion myself... that's it. my head is quite gone. it's all a ball of fuzz and i feel cut off from everything and exceedingly afraid of going into the kitchen for some reason. i make no sense sometimes. i managed to make myself a sandwich, but i grabbed everything and took it to the living room to assemble it. i might crack. i miss you. if today is wednesday then tomorrow is thursday and so if the phone rings early i better answer it. yup. i'll do that. please don't be angry with me. pretty please? please.
$100,000 in sales!!!!! Now if only all that money was in my account instead of the boss's. But I did it anyway.

Hey Mer where did you disappear to??? we almost had the entire set laid out.

Garage and photographer needed for SB set.

<Have body will travel>

I ain't got no garage! Damn.
the noose is tightening, I can't breath. I can feel it inside me, growing pushing me to scream. I am so closely guarded now. I want to spend time with you but when to call? What if he is home? I need you today, my brief moment of freedom.

I am $2000 away from reaching my sales goals. And at this point not sure I...
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what noose has got you? who fashioned it? where does this scream come from?

you can always do like the brits and use your middle and forefinger... piss off!
p.s. the andy warhol set is from the sixth! :o) i'm in the clear!!!
Good News!!!!
I will not be returning to xton for the winter months. And I have the house all to myself until 2pm. I finally found a docter that just gave me my pills instead of making me jump thru hoops for them and I am feeling much better. I miss you Mer. I want to talk with you tomarrow. Things are going as well...
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Hey, give me a call. I'll be here. I didn't learn Harley for a while, but I learned Beer by the time I could walk. You don't even want to hear my diaper stories! Yay for no exton!!! And especially yay for a good doctor. :o) Please call me. I miss you too.
Thank ou for talking with me Mer. I hope you are up to hanging out this September. I have looked foward to it for a while. I still want to be the stripper at your bachularette party.
You'll have to talk with me sometime if we're ever going to meet. I know you're busy. It's ok. I still miss you though.
Ok, so its been a while. I have found out that I have a two year old daughter. This has change my life dramatically. I have never been happier in my life. Or more motivated. I will iinclude pics in my pic file shortly. I really do miss you Mer. See you soon!
Please post more photos soon - And tales of what you probably think are mundane, day-to-day living kinds of things. I didn't even get the whole ear piercing story.... That was mostly my fault.

You got your dream. I smile.
Ok, so its been a while. I have found out that I have a two year old daughter. This has change my life dramatically. I have never been happier in my life. Or more motivated. I will iinclude pics in my pic file shortly. I really do miss you Mer. See you soon!
Three new records set in my department. Saturday $3000, Sunday $3100 Monday $3400, and yes my raise is put thru, thank you!!!!! Living my dreams and getting paid for it nothing better. Have a nice day!
smile Congratulations! smile

It's all worth it in the end.... Right? confused
Yes, I am still alive just bussy fullfilling my dreams.
I am very glad you are still alive and particularly happy that your dreams are coming true.
Sales are not going as well as expected. So I have a large going out in our next circuler. I sold all but ten of the original pick up of koi, and have sold one of the 175$, two of the 200$, and six of the 59.99$ koi. Hardgoods are catching on and next week is the horseshow, giving me tons of exposure. In three...
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i guess you went to bed.