New tires! No new rims. I decided to wait till spring to put on the entire package. 17's are very unforgiving in the winter month. Since I am responcable for getting my boss to work in the snow and all. She sports 17's and let me tell you, not cool in the snow. Pulling a twelve hour shift today, I want to curl back into bed in the worst way. We had no heat yesturday. Try to get car inspected
yeah, that might happen, damn mods...
yeah, that might happen, damn mods...
i'm trying to think about the new tires and if they get me hot.... nope. sorry. and i've no idea what you're talking about with the 17's. very sorry.
i hope you get to sleep soon. very soon. you know, santa-day is almost here and THEN you may rest!
i like that you had a peacock feather in the tree. nifty.
thinking you a smile! :o)