Thank you nightmares again. The pics got me thru the entire day. Therapy is going well, now if I can just get work to realize I can't lift 250 lbs for a few months I will be fine. A friend has returned to work. I can tell that we are going to be in alot of trouble together. We have already set a Izone camera AKA Barbie cam. Well the vikadine<sp> is kicking in so goodnite all.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 05, 2005
fuck it home life sucks. I just want to work and do my work. I wan… -
Thursday Sep 22, 2005
$100,000 in sales!!!!! Now if only all that money was in my account … -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2005
the noose is tightening, I can't breath. I can feel it inside me, gr… -
Wednesday Aug 31, 2005
Good News!!!! I will not be returning to xton for the winter months.… -
Saturday Aug 20, 2005
Thank ou for talking with me Mer. I hope you are up to hanging out t… -
Thursday Aug 11, 2005
Ok, so its been a while. I have found out that I have a two year old… -
Thursday Aug 11, 2005
Ok, so its been a while. I have found out that I have a two year old… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
Three new records set in my department. Saturday $3000, Sunday $3100… -
Sunday May 29, 2005
Yes, I am still alive just bussy fullfilling my dreams. -
Monday May 23, 2005
Sales are not going as well as expected. So I have a large going out…
thanks for reading my verbal piddle. sometimes i just need to get some thoughts out in an order that often can only make complete sense to me. i used to write in complete sentences, but i'm finding the stream of consciousness bit is more to my liking. i don't forget something while trying to compose a sentence. yup, i'm a dork.
hope you slept well. hope you're feeling well - as well as possible. actually, i hope you are as you wish to be. you make me smile. thank you.