Thank ou for talking with me Mer. I hope you are up to hanging out this September. I have looked foward to it for a while. I still want to be the stripper at your bachularette party.
You'll have to talk with me sometime if we're ever going to meet. I know you're busy. It's ok. I still miss you though.
Ok, so its been a while. I have found out that I have a two year old daughter. This has change my life dramatically. I have never been happier in my life. Or more motivated. I will iinclude pics in my pic file shortly. I really do miss you Mer. See you soon!
Please post more photos soon - And tales of what you probably think are mundane, day-to-day living kinds of things. I didn't even get the whole ear piercing story.... That was mostly my fault.

You got your dream. I smile.
Ok, so its been a while. I have found out that I have a two year old daughter. This has change my life dramatically. I have never been happier in my life. Or more motivated. I will iinclude pics in my pic file shortly. I really do miss you Mer. See you soon!
Three new records set in my department. Saturday $3000, Sunday $3100 Monday $3400, and yes my raise is put thru, thank you!!!!! Living my dreams and getting paid for it nothing better. Have a nice day!
smile Congratulations! smile

It's all worth it in the end.... Right? confused
Yes, I am still alive just bussy fullfilling my dreams.
I am very glad you are still alive and particularly happy that your dreams are coming true.
Sales are not going as well as expected. So I have a large going out in our next circuler. I sold all but ten of the original pick up of koi, and have sold one of the 175$, two of the 200$, and six of the 59.99$ koi. Hardgoods are catching on and next week is the horseshow, giving me tons of exposure. In three...
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i guess you went to bed.
Everything I have worked for the past five years is coming together. Huge increases, a perfect work area and environment. Selling the top 0f the line, buying top of the line. Everything I was told would never happen is happening. I am becoming. Numbers are up sales are up, I am up. Now if I could only have the one I desire. We have to...
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i'm ding a little happy dance in my head for you. :o)
ok, thursday is over. how did it go?
I have for the first month in my new location achieved I 20% increase over last years numbers. By doing so I have neglected everyone that means anything to me. I have not gone to see my grandparents and they are a block away from work. I have not gone to see a close friend of mine that has been put into a mental hospital....
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Congratulations!!! I know it has been difficult for you, but this has got to feel great. I am so happy for you. Success! And how's that airborne fish tank coming along?

Grandparents aren't around forever, so maybe you could stop by on your way home from work on one of your less exhausted days? Just a thought.

I'm sure your friend understands. I would. Though it really is nice to have visitors when in the nut house. Which one are they in? Maybe I've been there.... Usually, you can call a person in the boobie hatch. I liked phone calls almost as much as actual visits. Visits could be really tough considering your schedule and the wacky visiting hours they usually offer. So maybe a call on your way to or from work?

Don't worry. Everyone will still be here. Time isn't up yet.
Working my as off and all my dreams are comming true, everything I have worked for the pas t six years is at hand. Making sacrifices so that in the big pic of things.....
If you want these things, the houses, the volvo, the kids, the white picket fences you have to make sacrifices. There is no way around it. But if you are strong...
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Work, work, and more work!!!
Ten to thirteen hours a day, six days a week.
The good news I had a meeting with the president of the company today and all of my dreams are going to become a reality. I fish tank larger then I could ever hope for, and shelving indoors. A twelve foot indoor waterfall.

On the fun side I had a...
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May All Your Dreams Come True!!! I'm not usually one for happy horse shit, but so what... I'm feeling giddy today!
you're aroused thinking about the fact that i get aroused thinking about you being aroused by the knowledge that i get aroused knowing that you get aroused thinking about me?
tongue tied and twisted alright! i'm laughing my fucking ass off!
nothing exciting today, I am getting tired on rum, things seem back to normal if there is a thing. Spent a good hour driving at high speeds and listening to black sabbath. Went to have drinks with friends about twelve of us. Not use to going to these functions alone..its odd. But I am sure that someone will step up and fill the space. If...
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you have twelve friends worthy of drinking with? wow. start a club already! and um, is the fast driving, black sabbath listening, drinking nights what is normal for you? just curious. what space needs filling? and as you know, i quite enjoyed your new pix.