Once I started walking the brilliance of the stag began to lessen and the sunlight passing through the trees became visible again. I could still see the stag ahead of me, bounding ahead and then stopping to watch me follow. My full concentration was on the animal and I no longer noticed whether I was going up or down hill anymore. As we proceeded through...
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It was a glorious thing to behold, that sunrise. The sun appeared to be many times its normal size and because of its low position on the horizon, it created immensely long shadows from the surroundings. Despite the beauty of the sunrise, these elongated shadows gave the morning an ominous feeling. The hills and plateaus around the gas station looked much taller and foreboding, and...
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It was strange that I fell asleep so quickly because I seemed to have been spending most of the night sleeping with my late start going to work and being knocked unconscious after the accident; however, I hadnt slept much the day before, and with all the trauma, I believe it was to be expected. There didnt seem to be any transition into the dream-state...
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hi. you look cute.
The bright lights hurt my eyes because they had become so adjusted to the darkness in which had been moving for so long. Inside, I saw the tired waitress standing behind the counter filling up another cup of coffee for the truck driver who was harmlessly flirting with. Come on, Ive got a big ol sleeper. You can come ride with me to Beaufort. Itll...
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I am very impressed by this..
I think I will, if I can find some more quiet time.

[Edited on Feb 07, 2006 11:48AM]
There was the sound of a car coming down the road, so I turned to try and flag it down. The headlights washed over me and I began waving my arms frantically and yelling for them to stop, but I was ignored and they continued on past me into the darkness. With a sigh I looked back towards the events that were happening above me,...
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Any one who knows me, knows that I am not a fan of professional sports nor am I a religious person. However, I find it disgusting that some churches move their services to another day because of a lack of attendance on super bowl sunday. If you are going to have faith and be part of a religion, then you should be devoted enough to...
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A long winded update: additions to my story...

There was not much of a wait before the food arrived and was quickly devoured because of the thrill and excitement of this adventure. After paying the bill an ample tip was left on the table in hopes that it would help provide a little bit of happiness for the waitress with the sad eyes. While filling...
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how's rocky adjusting to life with you? kiss
awww he is super cute!!!!!
there was a boy born with a stone heart
he grew older and watched everyone around him
people were happy
people were sad
and still he remained the same
he wondered what all this commotion was about
love, loss, and let down
these were just words to him

One day he met a girl
she whispered sweet words to him on sunny days
and climbed...
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that's really nice.
...this reminds me of something. i really like it.
Eleanor: It is beautiful, Steve?

Steve: Yeah, it's pretty good isn't it...I wonder if it remembers me...


Jane: In 12 years he'll be 11 and a half.

Steve: That was my favorite age...

I haven't in a while but I quote this normally once a week. Like here, so you are nice. love
