The bright lights hurt my eyes because they had become so adjusted to the darkness in which had been moving for so long. Inside, I saw the tired waitress standing behind the counter filling up another cup of coffee for the truck driver who was harmlessly flirting with. Come on, Ive got a big ol sleeper. You can come ride with me to Beaufort. Itll be fun, and I swear Ill be nice, he smiled with a wide grin and innocent eyes at the waitress. She just shook her head, and gave him only the slightest hint of returning grin, but this was the most she could muster. He shrugged and then continued to drink his coffee. Around the corner of the building I found a pay phone and tried to make a call to triple A, but when I picked up the receiver all I heard was silence. I hung it up, and then tried again, still I heard nothing; so I made my way inside to see if they had a phone I could use inside. When I walked inside I tried to get the waitress attention, but she seemed to look right through me and stare off at something far off in the distance behind me. The look she had struck me as odd because it wasnt as if she was simply glazed over, but really seemed to not even recognize that I was there. Excuse me, I said and waved my hand slightly to try and break her concentration. The only reaction she gave was that she began to wipe down the counters, so I tried again several times and received the same result. Frustrated, I walked back outside to gather myself before I made another attempt. As I paced outside the man who had been flirting with the waitress came out and made his way toward his truck, then it struck me. Even if I am able to call and have my car towed somewhere, there is no way I could have it repaired, it was totaled, and I was being driven on this mission, of sorts, by some unseen force that I could not ignore. The truck drivers words stuck out in my mind because he had said he was going to Beaufort, which was on the coast and could be my venue to set out and find the girl in the photograph. I chased after the truck driver trying to get his attention as he was getting into his truck, and just as if he could read my mind, the passenger door opened and I was let into his truck. I climbed up onto the seat and thanked him profusely for letting me in. He didnt respond, but seemed to nod in acknowledgement. He then let out a loud whistle, and just as I was about to shut the door, I heard a bark right next to me. A dog came springing out of the darkness, jumped in over me and climbed back behind the front seats in the cab. After some sniffing about his head reappeared between the seats and the truck driver scratched behind the dogs ears and said, lets get back on the road. We should make it by sunrise, so you get some sleep. I said thanks and as the engine started I sank back into the seat and fell asleep.
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[Edited on Feb 07, 2006 11:48AM]