Hey Hey All!!! Right now i am very happy
As most of you know i am becoming a Massage Therapist. And maybe a couple of you knew i have been studying for my registration exams. On July 22nd i did 1 of the 2 exams. This one was the practical exam which was at the U of T's Rehabilitation Sciences Building-Faculty of Medicine on University ave. I received a letter today (finally) stating that i indeed did exceed the minimum score of %70 to pass. Too bad they didn't tell me what my actual score was
anyways i only have 1 more to go and its a 100 Multipal Choice Question exam. O.k some of you may be thinking 'only multipal choice? thats easy!". Well its not for us. Imagine reading a question and then all the answers seem right. The exam is on everything and i mean everything from Physiology, Anatomy, Pathology, Remedial exercises, Standards and Regulations, Techinques, Hydrotherapy, and Assessments. So i still have a couple weeks of studying before and go write it. But i am getting tons of help from old classmates.
And after that i will be Phil RMT
Oh and not to mention its my BIRTHDAY on the 17th!!!! WOOOOO and i'l be at Boston Pizza that Thursday night in Burlington if anyone wants to come. WOO

Oh and not to mention its my BIRTHDAY on the 17th!!!! WOOOOO and i'l be at Boston Pizza that Thursday night in Burlington if anyone wants to come. WOO
Oh...and I'd be reincarnated as....probably a human again. Having one more shot at life wouldn't be so bad.
The knee is good. I've finished surgically removing the scab. With my finger nails. oooooooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh