Well after a number of years I decided it was time to come back to this outstanding site. The main reason I left was due to my wife. She believed me looking at this site was cheating(more along the lines of her being insecure). I did what any good husband would do...... Well over the past few years I had been blessed with a son and daughter. I as of last year completed 15 years in the army and decided to call it a career. Now as it seem I will be getting divorced. My wife of the last almost 6 years told me that she is miserable and believes we have just grown apart. This I believe is due to the fact that she spends so much time at work, the kids, her forever meddling mother whom lives with us has taken its toll. We never get to spend time with each other. I still love her, but do I give her what she thinks she wants, or do I try to save our marriage? I worry the most about my kids. My parents divorced when I was 6, and even though It wasn't bad growing up for me(I could see my dad whenever I wanted). Well enough of the sad sob story, I will be sure to keep it updated. On a positive note, as per my last two posts, I finally got my Prince Albert piercing. Didn't hurt that much getting it, little sore the last two days while healing. Can't wait till it is good to go for extra carricular activities, weather it be with my wife, or some lucky girl I manage to meet(depending on events in the next few weeks) don't get me wrong, I have never cheated on my wife, but if she is taking time to figure out shit, then I will find something to do with my time.
Kids are very resilient. I feared the same when my ex and I split. 4 years later things are much better and everyone is doing well. I'm also better friends now with my ex and their hasn't been tension for a long while. Hoping you are OK and getting through. People can only make themselves happy. . Truly .. at the end of the day. Try as you might she has to make some choices same as we all do. But only she can choose to be happy. Wishing you the best!