normally i am a very patriotic person. i am just sick of the stupid shit i need to deal with in the army. i am sick of bullshit regulations that everyone needs to follow except the people who made them. i am sick of people who make stupid rules about equipment when they are not the ones deployed and have to wear the regulation crap. i am a big believer if you rig it you jump it (airborne thing) which means it is your choice. but everyone is hung up on everyone looking alike and being a fucken drone. the is no individuality in this army. I am pissed about having someone who is dumber than a box of rocks in charge of you when you are completely intellectually superior tactically and technically, but since he is a complete ass kisser he has the higher job position. i know what you are saying in your mind "it was your choice, why you bitching?" Well when you have been in as long as me and have been getting completely rammed in the ass when it comes to job positions, promotion and just in general anything good. Today I stuck my neck out for one of my soldiers and in return both of us are getting punished. The soldier said to me after being berated with angry slurs, and we were out of the office "you know any of the other leaders in the section would have tried to get out of that and would have left me hanging." That made me feel good knowing that i helped my soldier like a true NCO would have, even though i am getting fucked in the process. sorry to vent, but i needed to.
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