Holy rectal impaction batman! I went to a skatepark today and the sand gnats were so fucking bad. My arms and legs are all bitten up, gawd fucking damn it!
But in other news, I've pulled in a lot of nice sized yarn sales this week. There's also a possibility of a yarn shop carrying my yarns. Hard to tell how it will work out...
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But in other news, I've pulled in a lot of nice sized yarn sales this week. There's also a possibility of a yarn shop carrying my yarns. Hard to tell how it will work out...
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I got my bewbs measured today (see previous post if you're just coming into the conversation). I am a 32D... But they don't keep 32Ds in stock, hard to come by so I had to settle for a 34D. Still, it feels much better and my nipples aren't trying to escape every time I lift my arm.
I was only off by one cup size......
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I was only off by one cup size......
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Hooray for you and your awesome boobs! I'm onenerdykid, and I approved this message.
SWEET!!!! i like bewbs

What the eff? So I have this dress for sale in my Etsy shop and I'm the one modeling it, so I include the "model's measurements" in the description so people can have an idea of how the dress fits...
I get this weird message from a chick saying, "I love the dress!!! But you're model's bra size is NOT a 34C, I know because...
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I get this weird message from a chick saying, "I love the dress!!! But you're model's bra size is NOT a 34C, I know because...
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I think it's hilarious that this woman has the chutzpah to decide that your bra size is a closed topic for discussion. Some people amaze me.
No pic of the dress? We could all weigh in on your bra size.
No pic of the dress? We could all weigh in on your bra size.

A girl I was seeing thought she was a 36C, turns out she was a 32E when she got "professionally" measured. I didn't complain
Your hair looks super cute!

not here it is 75 today no clouds in site!

sweet, it feels good here cause summer is right around the corner!

Cat Enema
One of my cats, Tippy, and one of my mother's cats, must be sedated every time we go to the vet. Tippy is a bastard at the vet. He's left a vet and a tech with gashes in need of stitches. There's no way in hell I'd go near his fluffy butt with a plastic tube and mineral oil.
One of my cats, Tippy, and one of my mother's cats, must be sedated every time we go to the vet. Tippy is a bastard at the vet. He's left a vet and a tech with gashes in need of stitches. There's no way in hell I'd go near his fluffy butt with a plastic tube and mineral oil.
Happy dance goes here. I got a few sales today that totally made up for the craptastic market bazaar on Saturday.
I've also had my Suicide Girl application (already approved) and sitting around since July... All that is left to do is shoot a good photo set. I don't know why I've been so lazy about it, but something sparked me today. I'm going to...
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I've also had my Suicide Girl application (already approved) and sitting around since July... All that is left to do is shoot a good photo set. I don't know why I've been so lazy about it, but something sparked me today. I'm going to...
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u would do good here in ob where i live cause they have a street fair every wed here!

Dear tweens at skatepark,
You are not the only fucking people in the park. Stop standing in between the ramps or I will check the ever loving shit out of you.
Also, just because I have a camera, doesn't mean I want to take a picture of you.
Not so much love,
P.s.- Make it less obvious when you're starring at my tits.
You are not the only fucking people in the park. Stop standing in between the ramps or I will check the ever loving shit out of you.
Also, just because I have a camera, doesn't mean I want to take a picture of you.
Not so much love,
P.s.- Make it less obvious when you're starring at my tits.
I was a vendor at a local, outdoor market bazaar today. It had been warm all week long and today, BAM, cold. It did not even get above 52 degrees so hardly anyone showed up. I made a total of $20 in sales... Vendor Fail. Bleh.
I started skateboarding again. I succeeded in wacking the shit out of my shin with the deck for the...
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I started skateboarding again. I succeeded in wacking the shit out of my shin with the deck for the...
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yeah, i do not need no drama!
what do u sell at these markets?

Thanks! But no, I didn't make it... my aunt did. It's been keeping me warm for three years now.
Naughty kitty gets a spankin'.
hahaha, what the eff?? tell me that's not your cat? haha!
I heard some loud chatter and looked out the window. My neighbors are being evicted right now. The sheriff's deputy is fucking HOT...
I mean, like, WOW o_O HOT.
Men + Uniform = Me weak in the knees/juicy puddle on the floor
Dear lord *fans self*
I mean, like, WOW o_O HOT.
Men + Uniform = Me weak in the knees/juicy puddle on the floor
Dear lord *fans self*
I've pondered the idea of stripping, but figured they'd probably pay me money to put my clothes back on, lol