[13:31] Mole: call dell
[13:31] Mole: make sure u can speak an Indain dialect
[13:31] * Srikanth will make the call for you
[13:31] Caffeine: racist!
[13:31] Caffeine: racist!
[13:31] Caffeine: burn him!
[13:32] Mole: fact o life
[13:32] Caffeine: sorry.
[13:32] Mole: u call dell
[13:32] Srikanth: yes, Indian = a race...
[13:32] Mole: u get india 60% of the time
[13:32] * Srikanth smacks Caff
[13:32] Caffeine:
[13:33] Srikanth: I hear if that there's an American race too...
[13:34] Srikanth: sry, I just find the use of race to be so overused/incorrect
[13:34] Mole: cannon ball run?^
[13:34] Caffeine: fascist!
[13:34] Srikanth: close enough, heh
[13:34] Caffeine: so indian wouldn't be a race?
[13:35] Srikanth: duh, no
[13:35] Caffeine: A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
[13:35] Srikanth: that's not the correct usage of race
[13:35] Mole: The Moleman were a superior race, alas i am the last
[13:35] Srikanth: it's been misconstrued over the last 30 years or so
[13:35] Srikanth: THE LAST MOLEMAN!
[13:36] Caffeine: What's your definition?
[13:36] * Srikanth steals the idea, signs the contract, makes millions
[13:36] shade: Is that like the last of the Mohicans?
[13:36] Caffeine: I personally hold the opinion that words aren't our master, but a tool for us to use
[13:36] Srikanth: race has to do with geographical location more than anything, and quite honestly, I don't really think as of right now you can define a race
[13:36] Caffeine: Elitism with them breeds nothing but more elitism and nothing positive comes out of it.
[13:37] Caffeine: A specific definition?
[13:37] Srikanth: if you want my answer, it's that there is one race
[13:37] Mole: man?
[13:37] Caffeine: I should hope you have a better definition than that, as it seems to be a bit of a pet peeve of yours
[13:37] Caffeine: So my use of racist was correct
[13:38] Caffeine: I was referring to them outsourcing to india, not to indians in general
[13:38] Caffeine: india being a geographical location
[13:38] Srikanth: oh come on, haven't you read anything in the last 10 years? Africa, all man originates in Africa?
[13:38] Srikanth: you don't have to believe it, but that's what I base that off of
[13:38] Caffeine: So the word race is unusable because of a personal theory which, as of today, remains theory
[13:39] Srikanth: personal? no
[13:39] Srikanth: it's actually more than that, you know that
[13:39] Caffeine: The meanings of words are subjective, I'd hope you wouldn't argue different
[13:39] BuckWyld: wait a second,
[13:39] BuckWyld: people obviously look different
[13:39] BuckWyld: so, if there is no race how do you define that
[13:39] Srikanth: no, I agree Caff, just saying, race has been misconstrued
[13:39] Srikanth: ethnicity Buck
[13:40] Caffeine: So my using race to talk about a location of people (india) was incorrect, in your opinion, that is?
[13:40] BuckWyld: i see, so what are the correct words to express ethnicity
[13:40] Srikanth: yes, completely, they are from a country, they are citizens of a country
[13:40] BuckWyld: so Indian woudl be an ethnicity
[13:41] Caffeine: That's an unknown quality, actually
[13:41] Srikanth: it's a national group
[13:41] Srikanth: so yes
[13:41] Caffeine: We don't know if the people they are outsourcing to are citizens are not
[13:41] Caffeine: or
[13:41] Srikanth: outourcing?
[13:41] Srikanth: what?
[13:41] Caffeine: Dell
[13:41] Caffeine: The original topic
[13:41] Srikanth: lol
[13:42] Mole: u guys need to get out more^
[13:42] Srikanth: i need to get a job is what I need
[13:42] Caffeine: Dell outsourcing to india, mole making a joke about it, me calling him a racist because he was holding unknown qualities against an entire race, that is, a group of people from a common location sharing common genetic traits (skin color, etc)
[13:42] Srikanth: yes I remember Caff
[13:43] Caffeine: Good, glad we agree.
[13:43] Srikanth: and I still disagree, do you think that there is an American race?
[13:43] * LoneWolfX1X (ask@pool-64-223-184-17.man.east.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:43] Caffeine: Nope, do you?
[13:43] Srikanth: an Italian race, an Irish race, a French race, a Syrian race...
[13:43] BuckWyld: there are american indians which would be a race
[13:43] Mole: i never said that india was bad, i was just refering to fact that when u call dell u will prob get some dooder in india
[13:43] Srikanth: no, so how is there an Indian race is what i meant
[13:43] Mole: way to over think caff
[13:43] Mole: =)
[13:43] Caffeine: I was making a joke mole
[13:44] Mole: oh
[13:44] Mole: gg me
[13:44] Caffeine: Hence "Burn him!"
[13:44] Srikanth: ya, Caff was just kiddin i thought
[13:44] * Mole sets mode: +o McShred|wireless
[13:44] Caffeine: If you said "Do you think the native americans are a race?" I'd say yes
[13:44] Srikanth: I don't think they are
[13:44] Caffeine: The native inhabitors of this geographical location are a race
[13:45] Caffeine: As they've interbred long enough to have distinct genetic traits (and specific to them only) immerge
[13:45] Mole: ^
[13:45] Srikanth: they are just as native as I am, for the most part it's agreed they are the first inhabitors, they came from Asia
[13:45] Caffeine: Do I think race has to be an original thing? No, I think it can be acquired overtime
[13:45] Srikanth: I was born in this country, I am American... what's your point?
[13:45] Caffeine: You're american because you're a citizen
[13:46] Srikanth: no, I'm American because I was born here
[13:46] Caffeine: It has little to do with your parents or your ethnicity or genetic traits
[13:46] Srikanth: i become a citizen because we grant that right to someone who is born here
[13:46] Caffeine: We most certainly do not
[13:46] Srikanth: ^
[13:46] RevD: I think if you asked some Iraqi's they would say America was a race
[13:46] Srikanth: yes we most certainly do Caff
[13:46] Caffeine: If your parents were illegal mexican immigrants would you be a citizen if they lived here?
[13:46] Mole: yay windows update fope me
[13:46] Caffeine: No, only if they were first citizens would you be
[13:46] Srikanth: yes actually, that does happen Caff
[13:46] Caffeine: What you said was absolutely false
[13:46] Srikanth: no Caff, look up the law
[13:47] Caffeine: No, I saw that episode of night court, man, don't quiz me on this.
[13:47] Srikanth: lol
[13:47] Mole: omg
[13:47] Mole: Night Court
[13:47] Caffeine: That bald guy had to rush them into getting sworn in so the children would be citizens. I'm fucking right, night court wouldn't mislead me
[13:47] Srikanth: rol
[13:47] Mole: this man speaks the truth
[13:47] Srikanth: dood, but the bald guy, his head wasn't shiny enough
[13:47] Caffeine: Bull rules.
[13:47] Mole: but may i refer you to Law and Order season 7 episode 10
[13:47] Srikanth: it's the shiny arguement
[13:48] Caffeine: I win.
[13:48] Srikanth: ok...
[13:48] * Caffeine bows
[13:48] Srikanth: you win what? an argument online? NIGHT COURT!
[13:49] Caffeine: How does it being online change the argument? I'd argue the same exact thing if I was sitting next to you except I wouldn't know that his name was bull unless I had a computer with google loaded
[13:49] Mole: there should be a MMORPG based on the Night Court Tv show
[13:49] Caffeine: haha
[13:49] shade: "Arguing on the internet is like being in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded."
[13:49] Caffeine: How is arguing over the internet any different than arguing with someone next to you?
[13:49] Srikanth: the only way you win an argument is to actually change the persons views, opinions on the matter, you have not done that, and yes, what shade said
[13:50] Caffeine: This isn't debate club, I'm not going to change anyone's views, I simply look for other people to state something obviously false that I can prove is false (the being born here makes you american statement) and try to insinuate your argument was based on that one false statement/opinion
[13:51] Srikanth: you haven't proven anything is false man, sheesh
[13:51] Caffeine: "If you are born in american you are an american under american law"
[13:51] Srikanth: you've just proven that the guy on night court wasn't shiny enough
[13:51] Caffeine: That's absolutely false.
[13:51] Caffeine: He was shiny as fuck and you know it.
[13:51] Mole: rol
[13:51] Caffeine: He put mr. clean to shame
[13:51] Srikanth: well duh, you can't be born in American
[13:51] Srikanth: ...
[13:51] * sn_moore is tremendously confused after reading all this....
[13:51] Caffeine: -n
[13:51] Mole: Jibba Jabba^
[13:52] Mole: ./Mr T I need work!!!
[13:52] Caffeine: and don't even ask me what happens if one of your parents is american and the other isn't.
[13:52] Caffeine: Or if you're not an american but get knocked up by one overseas
[13:53] Caffeine: With that, I dig out my old night court tapes.
[13:53] Srikanth: go talk to a constiutional lawyer Caff, man, call my aunt up if you like, there are many situations, but for the most part, and i never implied this when i said, a child born to illegal immigrants is given citizenry
[13:53] sn_moore: I'd hazard that Race is more a personal decision than definition
[13:53] Srikanth: and like I said, I never said anything about a child of illegal immigrants, that's not what I was talking about
[13:53] Srikanth: you brought that up
[13:54] * Mole (Negative@pool-68-161-169-214.ny325.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Windows shumpdate)
[13:54] BuckWyld: a child born to illegal immigrants is a citizen
[13:54] Caffeine: What defines birth?
[13:54] BuckWyld: if one of your parents is american or you are born in this country you are a citizen
[13:54] Srikanth: omg FETUS!
[13:54] Srikanth: lol
[13:54] BuckWyld: by law
[13:54] Caffeine: Can you keep him most of the way in and then jump over the border and toss him out?
[13:54] BuckWyld: i dont know if birth works like that
[13:55] Caffeine: Yeah, I saw it on night court
[13:55] BuckWyld: what birth?
[13:55] Caffeine: Bull tackled her though and she didn't get across
[13:55] BuckWyld: so i guess we will never know
[13:55] * Srikanth thinks Caff should watch less TV
[13:55] Caffeine: Yeah, I was hoping they'd answer that question
[13:55] * Squeeky|Sleep (~Anonymous@ip68-107-31-190.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #bf1942
[13:55] BuckWyld: or atleast less night court
[13:55] Caffeine: but bull had to kill the 80 year old pregnant woman
[13:55] Caffeine: I'm actually one of those antitv nazis
[13:55] Srikanth: he's not shiny enough
[13:55] Squeeky|Sleep: Morning, Is anyone here who i can discuss the TWL match with?
[13:55] * Squeeky|Sleep is now known as Squeeky
[13:56] Caffeine: his head was covered with fetus blood, actually. Not very shiny at all
[13:56] Caffeine: For which clan?
[13:56] Srikanth: who are you with Squeeky?
[13:56] Caffeine: AWM or s[ars]?
[13:56] Squeeky: Arsclan War Machine
[13:56] Srikanth: k, hold on a sec
[13:56] Squeeky: Thank you
[13:56] BuckWyld: so about the fetus blood
[13:56] BuckWyld: do you thik half a gallon woudl be enough
[13:56] Squeeky: Lovely conversation i walked in on
[13:56] Caffeine: piqued your interest, did I?
[13:57] AirborneGeek: I was about to make a comment about that too, Squeeky... sorry man!
[13:57] Squeeky: Haha, no biggie
[13:57] Squeeky: IRC is the home of odd conversations
[13:57] Caffeine: Haha, we were just discussing what would happen if Bull from Night Court tackled a still pregnant woman who was trying to get across the boarder to give birth to her child so he'd be an american citizen
[13:57] Squeeky: WOw...
[13:57] Squeeky: Can't say i've ever had that discussion
[13:57] * Squeeky slowly inches towards the door
[13:57] Squeeky:
[13:57] sn_moore: I've never seen Night Court, is it like Judge Judy?
[13:58] Caffeine: It started out with Mole talking about dell outsourcing to india and it being hard for him to hear what they say sometimes, so I called for his hanging on grounds of racism, but Srikanth offered up his opinion of race being an invalid word
[13:58] Caffeine: No
[13:58] Caffeine: It's a sitcom
[13:58] Srikanth: Squeeky, #awmclan plz, we'll try to see if we can answer any questions, etc...
[13:58] Caffeine: Well, it was a sitcom
[13:58] Squeeky: Ok Srikanth
[13:58] * Mole (Negative@pool-68-161-139-135.ny325.east.verizon.net) has joined #bf1942
[13:58] BuckWyld: Night Court sucks
[13:58] Caffeine: I hope Judge Judy isn't what people think of our justice system
[13:58] * Srikanth sets mode: +o Mole
[13:58] Srikanth: heh, ya, no shit Caff
[13:59] BuckWyld: that isnt what it is like?
[13:59] Caffeine: I always fear that, it's only a matter of time until Sky picks it up
[13:59] sn_moore: Judge Judy is Anne Robinson (The weakest link)....
[13:59] BuckWyld: hmm
[13:59] Caffeine: Yeah, can you take her back or something? (that's to europe in general)
[13:59] * BuckWyld tries to think back to his court date
[13:59] BuckWyld: I am pretty sure judge judy was there
[13:59] Caffeine: You're confusing courting with court again
[14:00] Caffeine: I was one of judge judy's many suitors
[14:00] BuckWyld: you are probably right
[14:00] * Caffeine is now known as Caffshowereine
[14:00] Caffshowereine: Now I shower - for real!
[14:01] BuckWyld: ^thank god
[14:02] Srikanth: thx Squeeky
[14:02] Squeeky: Pleasure
[14:03] Squeeky: So where were we, discussing the blood of an unborn infant?
[14:03] Squeeky:
[14:07] RevD: what if said infant was the future savior of the human race and right before Bull smashed into the immigrant Ahnold appeared out of nowhere to save the infant and he faced off against Bull...who would win?
[13:31] Mole: make sure u can speak an Indain dialect
[13:31] * Srikanth will make the call for you
[13:31] Caffeine: racist!
[13:31] Caffeine: racist!
[13:31] Caffeine: burn him!
[13:32] Mole: fact o life
[13:32] Caffeine: sorry.
[13:32] Mole: u call dell
[13:32] Srikanth: yes, Indian = a race...
[13:32] Mole: u get india 60% of the time
[13:32] * Srikanth smacks Caff
[13:32] Caffeine:
[13:33] Srikanth: I hear if that there's an American race too...
[13:34] Srikanth: sry, I just find the use of race to be so overused/incorrect
[13:34] Mole: cannon ball run?^
[13:34] Caffeine: fascist!
[13:34] Srikanth: close enough, heh
[13:34] Caffeine: so indian wouldn't be a race?
[13:35] Srikanth: duh, no
[13:35] Caffeine: A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
[13:35] Srikanth: that's not the correct usage of race
[13:35] Mole: The Moleman were a superior race, alas i am the last
[13:35] Srikanth: it's been misconstrued over the last 30 years or so
[13:35] Srikanth: THE LAST MOLEMAN!
[13:36] Caffeine: What's your definition?
[13:36] * Srikanth steals the idea, signs the contract, makes millions
[13:36] shade: Is that like the last of the Mohicans?
[13:36] Caffeine: I personally hold the opinion that words aren't our master, but a tool for us to use
[13:36] Srikanth: race has to do with geographical location more than anything, and quite honestly, I don't really think as of right now you can define a race
[13:36] Caffeine: Elitism with them breeds nothing but more elitism and nothing positive comes out of it.
[13:37] Caffeine: A specific definition?
[13:37] Srikanth: if you want my answer, it's that there is one race
[13:37] Mole: man?
[13:37] Caffeine: I should hope you have a better definition than that, as it seems to be a bit of a pet peeve of yours
[13:37] Caffeine: So my use of racist was correct
[13:38] Caffeine: I was referring to them outsourcing to india, not to indians in general
[13:38] Caffeine: india being a geographical location
[13:38] Srikanth: oh come on, haven't you read anything in the last 10 years? Africa, all man originates in Africa?
[13:38] Srikanth: you don't have to believe it, but that's what I base that off of
[13:38] Caffeine: So the word race is unusable because of a personal theory which, as of today, remains theory
[13:39] Srikanth: personal? no
[13:39] Srikanth: it's actually more than that, you know that
[13:39] Caffeine: The meanings of words are subjective, I'd hope you wouldn't argue different
[13:39] BuckWyld: wait a second,
[13:39] BuckWyld: people obviously look different
[13:39] BuckWyld: so, if there is no race how do you define that
[13:39] Srikanth: no, I agree Caff, just saying, race has been misconstrued
[13:39] Srikanth: ethnicity Buck
[13:40] Caffeine: So my using race to talk about a location of people (india) was incorrect, in your opinion, that is?
[13:40] BuckWyld: i see, so what are the correct words to express ethnicity
[13:40] Srikanth: yes, completely, they are from a country, they are citizens of a country
[13:40] BuckWyld: so Indian woudl be an ethnicity
[13:41] Caffeine: That's an unknown quality, actually
[13:41] Srikanth: it's a national group
[13:41] Srikanth: so yes
[13:41] Caffeine: We don't know if the people they are outsourcing to are citizens are not
[13:41] Caffeine: or
[13:41] Srikanth: outourcing?
[13:41] Srikanth: what?
[13:41] Caffeine: Dell
[13:41] Caffeine: The original topic
[13:41] Srikanth: lol
[13:42] Mole: u guys need to get out more^
[13:42] Srikanth: i need to get a job is what I need
[13:42] Caffeine: Dell outsourcing to india, mole making a joke about it, me calling him a racist because he was holding unknown qualities against an entire race, that is, a group of people from a common location sharing common genetic traits (skin color, etc)
[13:42] Srikanth: yes I remember Caff
[13:43] Caffeine: Good, glad we agree.
[13:43] Srikanth: and I still disagree, do you think that there is an American race?
[13:43] * LoneWolfX1X (ask@pool-64-223-184-17.man.east.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:43] Caffeine: Nope, do you?
[13:43] Srikanth: an Italian race, an Irish race, a French race, a Syrian race...
[13:43] BuckWyld: there are american indians which would be a race
[13:43] Mole: i never said that india was bad, i was just refering to fact that when u call dell u will prob get some dooder in india
[13:43] Srikanth: no, so how is there an Indian race is what i meant
[13:43] Mole: way to over think caff
[13:43] Mole: =)
[13:43] Caffeine: I was making a joke mole
[13:44] Mole: oh
[13:44] Mole: gg me
[13:44] Caffeine: Hence "Burn him!"
[13:44] Srikanth: ya, Caff was just kiddin i thought
[13:44] * Mole sets mode: +o McShred|wireless
[13:44] Caffeine: If you said "Do you think the native americans are a race?" I'd say yes
[13:44] Srikanth: I don't think they are
[13:44] Caffeine: The native inhabitors of this geographical location are a race
[13:45] Caffeine: As they've interbred long enough to have distinct genetic traits (and specific to them only) immerge
[13:45] Mole: ^
[13:45] Srikanth: they are just as native as I am, for the most part it's agreed they are the first inhabitors, they came from Asia
[13:45] Caffeine: Do I think race has to be an original thing? No, I think it can be acquired overtime
[13:45] Srikanth: I was born in this country, I am American... what's your point?
[13:45] Caffeine: You're american because you're a citizen
[13:46] Srikanth: no, I'm American because I was born here
[13:46] Caffeine: It has little to do with your parents or your ethnicity or genetic traits
[13:46] Srikanth: i become a citizen because we grant that right to someone who is born here
[13:46] Caffeine: We most certainly do not
[13:46] Srikanth: ^
[13:46] RevD: I think if you asked some Iraqi's they would say America was a race
[13:46] Srikanth: yes we most certainly do Caff
[13:46] Caffeine: If your parents were illegal mexican immigrants would you be a citizen if they lived here?
[13:46] Mole: yay windows update fope me
[13:46] Caffeine: No, only if they were first citizens would you be
[13:46] Srikanth: yes actually, that does happen Caff
[13:46] Caffeine: What you said was absolutely false
[13:46] Srikanth: no Caff, look up the law
[13:47] Caffeine: No, I saw that episode of night court, man, don't quiz me on this.
[13:47] Srikanth: lol
[13:47] Mole: omg
[13:47] Mole: Night Court
[13:47] Caffeine: That bald guy had to rush them into getting sworn in so the children would be citizens. I'm fucking right, night court wouldn't mislead me
[13:47] Srikanth: rol
[13:47] Mole: this man speaks the truth
[13:47] Srikanth: dood, but the bald guy, his head wasn't shiny enough
[13:47] Caffeine: Bull rules.
[13:47] Mole: but may i refer you to Law and Order season 7 episode 10
[13:47] Srikanth: it's the shiny arguement
[13:48] Caffeine: I win.
[13:48] Srikanth: ok...
[13:48] * Caffeine bows
[13:48] Srikanth: you win what? an argument online? NIGHT COURT!
[13:49] Caffeine: How does it being online change the argument? I'd argue the same exact thing if I was sitting next to you except I wouldn't know that his name was bull unless I had a computer with google loaded
[13:49] Mole: there should be a MMORPG based on the Night Court Tv show
[13:49] Caffeine: haha
[13:49] shade: "Arguing on the internet is like being in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded."
[13:49] Caffeine: How is arguing over the internet any different than arguing with someone next to you?
[13:49] Srikanth: the only way you win an argument is to actually change the persons views, opinions on the matter, you have not done that, and yes, what shade said
[13:50] Caffeine: This isn't debate club, I'm not going to change anyone's views, I simply look for other people to state something obviously false that I can prove is false (the being born here makes you american statement) and try to insinuate your argument was based on that one false statement/opinion
[13:51] Srikanth: you haven't proven anything is false man, sheesh
[13:51] Caffeine: "If you are born in american you are an american under american law"
[13:51] Srikanth: you've just proven that the guy on night court wasn't shiny enough
[13:51] Caffeine: That's absolutely false.
[13:51] Caffeine: He was shiny as fuck and you know it.
[13:51] Mole: rol
[13:51] Caffeine: He put mr. clean to shame
[13:51] Srikanth: well duh, you can't be born in American
[13:51] Srikanth: ...
[13:51] * sn_moore is tremendously confused after reading all this....
[13:51] Caffeine: -n
[13:51] Mole: Jibba Jabba^
[13:52] Mole: ./Mr T I need work!!!
[13:52] Caffeine: and don't even ask me what happens if one of your parents is american and the other isn't.
[13:52] Caffeine: Or if you're not an american but get knocked up by one overseas
[13:53] Caffeine: With that, I dig out my old night court tapes.
[13:53] Srikanth: go talk to a constiutional lawyer Caff, man, call my aunt up if you like, there are many situations, but for the most part, and i never implied this when i said, a child born to illegal immigrants is given citizenry
[13:53] sn_moore: I'd hazard that Race is more a personal decision than definition
[13:53] Srikanth: and like I said, I never said anything about a child of illegal immigrants, that's not what I was talking about
[13:53] Srikanth: you brought that up
[13:54] * Mole (Negative@pool-68-161-169-214.ny325.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Windows shumpdate)
[13:54] BuckWyld: a child born to illegal immigrants is a citizen
[13:54] Caffeine: What defines birth?
[13:54] BuckWyld: if one of your parents is american or you are born in this country you are a citizen
[13:54] Srikanth: omg FETUS!
[13:54] Srikanth: lol
[13:54] BuckWyld: by law
[13:54] Caffeine: Can you keep him most of the way in and then jump over the border and toss him out?
[13:54] BuckWyld: i dont know if birth works like that
[13:55] Caffeine: Yeah, I saw it on night court
[13:55] BuckWyld: what birth?
[13:55] Caffeine: Bull tackled her though and she didn't get across
[13:55] BuckWyld: so i guess we will never know
[13:55] * Srikanth thinks Caff should watch less TV
[13:55] Caffeine: Yeah, I was hoping they'd answer that question
[13:55] * Squeeky|Sleep (~Anonymous@ip68-107-31-190.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #bf1942
[13:55] BuckWyld: or atleast less night court
[13:55] Caffeine: but bull had to kill the 80 year old pregnant woman
[13:55] Caffeine: I'm actually one of those antitv nazis
[13:55] Srikanth: he's not shiny enough
[13:55] Squeeky|Sleep: Morning, Is anyone here who i can discuss the TWL match with?
[13:55] * Squeeky|Sleep is now known as Squeeky
[13:56] Caffeine: his head was covered with fetus blood, actually. Not very shiny at all
[13:56] Caffeine: For which clan?
[13:56] Srikanth: who are you with Squeeky?
[13:56] Caffeine: AWM or s[ars]?
[13:56] Squeeky: Arsclan War Machine
[13:56] Srikanth: k, hold on a sec
[13:56] Squeeky: Thank you
[13:56] BuckWyld: so about the fetus blood
[13:56] BuckWyld: do you thik half a gallon woudl be enough
[13:56] Squeeky: Lovely conversation i walked in on
[13:56] Caffeine: piqued your interest, did I?
[13:57] AirborneGeek: I was about to make a comment about that too, Squeeky... sorry man!
[13:57] Squeeky: Haha, no biggie
[13:57] Squeeky: IRC is the home of odd conversations
[13:57] Caffeine: Haha, we were just discussing what would happen if Bull from Night Court tackled a still pregnant woman who was trying to get across the boarder to give birth to her child so he'd be an american citizen
[13:57] Squeeky: WOw...
[13:57] Squeeky: Can't say i've ever had that discussion
[13:57] * Squeeky slowly inches towards the door
[13:57] Squeeky:
[13:57] sn_moore: I've never seen Night Court, is it like Judge Judy?
[13:58] Caffeine: It started out with Mole talking about dell outsourcing to india and it being hard for him to hear what they say sometimes, so I called for his hanging on grounds of racism, but Srikanth offered up his opinion of race being an invalid word
[13:58] Caffeine: No
[13:58] Caffeine: It's a sitcom
[13:58] Srikanth: Squeeky, #awmclan plz, we'll try to see if we can answer any questions, etc...
[13:58] Caffeine: Well, it was a sitcom
[13:58] Squeeky: Ok Srikanth
[13:58] * Mole (Negative@pool-68-161-139-135.ny325.east.verizon.net) has joined #bf1942
[13:58] BuckWyld: Night Court sucks
[13:58] Caffeine: I hope Judge Judy isn't what people think of our justice system
[13:58] * Srikanth sets mode: +o Mole
[13:58] Srikanth: heh, ya, no shit Caff
[13:59] BuckWyld: that isnt what it is like?
[13:59] Caffeine: I always fear that, it's only a matter of time until Sky picks it up
[13:59] sn_moore: Judge Judy is Anne Robinson (The weakest link)....
[13:59] BuckWyld: hmm
[13:59] Caffeine: Yeah, can you take her back or something? (that's to europe in general)
[13:59] * BuckWyld tries to think back to his court date
[13:59] BuckWyld: I am pretty sure judge judy was there
[13:59] Caffeine: You're confusing courting with court again
[14:00] Caffeine: I was one of judge judy's many suitors
[14:00] BuckWyld: you are probably right
[14:00] * Caffeine is now known as Caffshowereine
[14:00] Caffshowereine: Now I shower - for real!
[14:01] BuckWyld: ^thank god
[14:02] Srikanth: thx Squeeky
[14:02] Squeeky: Pleasure
[14:03] Squeeky: So where were we, discussing the blood of an unborn infant?
[14:03] Squeeky:
[14:07] RevD: what if said infant was the future savior of the human race and right before Bull smashed into the immigrant Ahnold appeared out of nowhere to save the infant and he faced off against Bull...who would win?
That & I was kinda curious if there was a character limit.