i have to learn to use this system better grrrrr mad
Well another weekend comes into being. What am I to do? I have nothing here and what i want I don't know if it is returned.. Grrrrrr to life .......
death and Life come from the the tongue.

I wonder if people really understand how what they say and what their actions do to another person, exspecialy when they are suppose to be your friend. I know i have not always been concerned and now i am being more aware.....Yes i am a horrid speller blush
hmmm what do you do when someone you consider a friend tells you that they don't want to chat with you? and don't know the reason why shocked
New Month.. It will be my thrid month back here on the 27...I wish that someone in NYC would hire me. I miss so much about that city and i dearly miss someone more than ever before frown . If anyone has any advice please tell me
The weekend has come and gone...THe best part of it was being able to chat with the person I care the most about in this world. smile other than that going out drinking by yourself is boring and expensive eeek . I have afew concerns and I am worried...I also just want to write down that I enjoy this site immensely love
Welcome to SG!!! Drinking by yourself sucks!

Later! Bort smile

p.s. Thanks for the comment in the S.M. Group. I'm feeling good.
Went for Halloween. and it sucked ass... Wait two hours in freezing snow got i. had afew drinks and asked some people to dance and of course was turned down.
Realized how much i missed a certian person in my life and its depressing that i can not get a job in NYC to be closer..Doesn't help that i am a Cannuck....I just wish thing would work out just once in my favour grrrrrrr mad
The weekend has come and gone...THe best part of it was being able to chat with the person I care the most about in this world. smile other than that going out drinking by yourself is boring and expensive eeek . I have afew concerns and I am worried...I also just want to write down that I rnjoy this site immensely love
what a stupid first entry surreal
lol but atleast its one!!! you have a few crushes!?! like who? hehe

Okay i was told to join this site and pleased to have done so. It is truly a awesome site. I really don't know what else to say hear. blush