you're waking threw a field and all around you is shite. No matter where you step you're going get some on your shoe. I feel that way right now. whatever shocked
thats really optomistic! whatever
Blah surreal it finaly snowed but then it melted frown Anyways things are looking okay for once. I jsust hope everything thing and one i care the mosr about end up okay
quote" Fate favours the fool, luck the blind"
Tuesday shocked IT felt like it should be Friday.. What else to say is that i wish, i had a job in another local..But it feels like spring and that is weird by this time of year we use to have snow up to our kness and cold enough weather to freeze spit. I wonder what is goin...
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maybe the earth is going to explode. lol

Quote of the day" it is better not to be the bearer of bad news to KIng Henry the 8th, unless you wished to be a head shorter" yea its silly but when you have to approach parents talk about their childrens behaviour. You feel like said messanger. blackeyed
Second post of the day.... My trip is almost planned and ready to go. I am now wondering if i should quiet and move to NYC and try to get a full time job there. The only problem is i would have no money and a bank payment ..grrrrr.... I want to move back to my home....NYC RAWKS It the best place on earth wink
Quote of the day" it is better not to be the bearer of bad news to KIng Henry the 8th, unless you wished to be a head shorter" yea its silly but when you have to approach parents talk about their childrens behaviour. You feel like said messanger.
Quote of the day " tis better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all" Went to vote and found out i was not listsed on the voters list surreal ....SO i was added and voted.....My day went as usual nothing exciting except i have no voice frown which a lot of my co-workers like LOL...Anyhow the children thought it great that i...
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Sunday....Tomorrow is yet another MOnday....but at least date is kind of Smiling at me. I have a offer of a free place to stay when i am in NYC and i am going to take the offer. There is a possablity of a job but for reasons i'll keep to myself i have to refuse..But the free place to stay rawks smile ....Other than that i...
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what is the difference between a friend and an acquaintances?...Can a friend become a acquaintance? Hard questions to answer but sometimes needed to be asked blackeyed
an acquaintance is like someone you are friendly to and say hi to, but it really goes no deeper then that. a friend is someone you can rely on, share stuff with, and you both treat eachother with equal respect. a friend can definitly become an acquaintance if you lose touch or just dont have that spark anymore. sometimes two people just grow apart and then they arent really friends anymore.
Its freaking cold...brrrrrrr... North western Ontario is a crappy place to live in winter... Nothing to do....Well there is always the bar

Well another weekend comes into being. What am I to do? I have nothing here and what i want I don't know if it is returned.. Grrrrrr to life ....... What is a person to do frown
Its freaking cold...brrrrrrr... North western Ontario is a crappy place to live in winter... Nothing to do....Well there is always the bar wink