I want it all to end.... If a person wants me to stay out of their life TELL ME don't ignore me, don't push me just tell me. I am being to hate everything in this life and world...Why can people just be fucking open and honest with me. I am not going to break
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 12, 2003
you're waking threw a field and all around you is shite. No matter wh… -
Wednesday Nov 12, 2003
Blah it finaly snowed but then it melted Anyways things are loo… -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2003
quote" Fate favours the fool, luck the blind" Tuesday IT felt l… -
Monday Nov 10, 2003
Quote of the day" it is better not to be the bearer of bad news to KI… -
Monday Nov 10, 2003
Second post of the day.... My trip is almost planned and ready to go.… -
Monday Nov 10, 2003
Quote of the day " tis better to have loved and lost then to never h… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2003
Sunday....Tomorrow is yet another MOnday....but at least date is kind… -
Saturday Nov 08, 2003
what is the difference between a friend and an acquaintances?...Can a… -
Friday Nov 07, 2003
Its freaking cold...brrrrrrr... North western Ontario is a crappy pla… -
Friday Nov 07, 2003
Well another weekend comes into being. What am I to do? I have nothin…