I have a cold. I am going to take some NyQuil, put on the headphones and listen to Out Of The Blue by Electric Light Orchestra.
Try it some time. You know how people say you should drop acid and listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon? The same goes for NyQuil and OOTB. I swear, right when you get to about this point...

...you will be convinced that it's the single greatest artistic achievement in the history of mankind.
Try it some time. You know how people say you should drop acid and listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon? The same goes for NyQuil and OOTB. I swear, right when you get to about this point...

...you will be convinced that it's the single greatest artistic achievement in the history of mankind.
ooooh.. you're tricky!!! i like that!
Happy Holidays!