I'm up way too late again. Fuck. FUCK! Why do I do this to myself? I know I have to get up at 7 o' fucking clock. I've just always been a night owl, even when I was a kid.
Another tedious day of the 100 mile commute, organizing cables. Looks like they'll need me tomorrow and Friday too
Oh well, it's $ and it will afford me more unemployment time if I need it. Also going to work at the free concert downtown tomorrow night. $35...yippee. But I get to frustrate myself by hanging out with my completely unavailable crush.
Okay, I gotta sleep...I promise the journal entries will get more interesting, but not 'til Friday at least. C'mon, I can't ALWAYS be expected to entertain you!! Who do you think I am, Carrot Top?

Another tedious day of the 100 mile commute, organizing cables. Looks like they'll need me tomorrow and Friday too

Okay, I gotta sleep...I promise the journal entries will get more interesting, but not 'til Friday at least. C'mon, I can't ALWAYS be expected to entertain you!! Who do you think I am, Carrot Top?
Sorry about crush being completely unavailable. I know the feeling all too well.
Hope you get some sleep!