SO I guess I'm still going to stay on this site thing. They already charged me for the next month...grrrrrrr! Oh well. My life if aweful right now!! I signed up for this online english class that totally fucked me over! I was already failing my math class because I had a bad skipping problem at the beginning of the tri, depressed from my last relationship and was just wanting to quit school so I did really bad at the beginning of the tri. I understood everything and got A's on the tests, but just had a whole bunch of missing assignments...ANYWAY, I signed up for an english class because I decided to not take it at the school because I was choosing to not go to college at first. Then I got that scholarship opportunity and at the last minute signed up for an online english class and all this shit so that I could complete my college requirements. Well I didn't think the online class really started until third tri because it was in the middle of the tri when I signed up, but I guess it started two weeks ago and I'm now really behind in it and didn't even finish the first assignment. So I became inelligable which means I can't go to Lionel Hampton next week with my band and I totally let them down and I hate my life right now because I let down the one thing I didn't want to let down! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Kill mE!! Yeah, and then on top of that I was dead sick Monday and Tuesday so I couldn't catch up in math by the deadline or catch up in my online english class...I had like a 103 degree fever and it was HORRIBLE! AND on top of that my bank account is really NEGATIVE and I am kinda feeling like shit because I took Niquill at 4 am this morning because I was having a panic attack and couldn't sleep, but had to go to school at 7 so I've been soo out of it all day. I just got back from work and I've had so much coffee to try and make me not so out of it so I'm shaking and I'm like tweeking out. It's horrible! I don't think I'll drink this weekend. But I have all next week off...WOOH! I'm soooo fucked up...
It's just a really hard time and I haven't seen my boyfriend in like a week
Oh well, it's for the best because I was sick and trying to catch up - and failed - but he did come see me on Valentines Day when I had a high fever and he brought me was soo sweet and was exactly what I needed. I am sooo tired though and should probably get some shut eye. Talk to you all later! Hope you're doing better then I am...


aww i'm sorry you're doing so bad but don't worry things have to get better for you

well if things cant get any worse they can only get better, washington weather doesnt help for the depressed and confused state that the majority of us walk around engulfed by. im sick too, and life does suck sometimes. maybe you should hire someone to do your homework or kill your roommate and see if the school board willl pass you for grieving!!! just joking