These days have not been good days. The weekend finally arrived , and finally I can go to bed more calmly. I am doing my phd for 3 years and it has been a really hard road. But these days, of so much climate damage, seeing how the whole planet is destroyed, seeing how everyone says or trying to help a little to reverse this (which apparently is irreversible at this point), makes me feel more distressed. I am lying, between several pillows, light off and the window open facing that dark sky and full of small lights. Thinking about what I'm really doing, I feel stressed and timeless for the phd, and I'm not getting to enjoy all the little details that this planet gives us, which apparently has little time left. Little time to enjoy it, little time to explore all its corners, to enjoy the sun, the breeze of the night, to enjoy the cold of winter (which I must say I love), even to enjoy the beaches of which I am not the biggest fan. Will I be doing the right thing? Spending more than half of my week on the phd, instead of enjoying every little moment, like this one I had before I started writing this. Being simply, with the light off, between cushions, enjoying the immensity of time. Everyone says that better times will come and to enjoy what was built in these years for my profession ... I hope that there really is time for that, and to be able to enjoy again as when I was little or as this last hour the beauty of the small details. Well sorry for my english, im not the best on it. But i really hope, that who read this text, understand, that we should be enjoying the little moments and things that make us happier, and dont get stuck with small problems, our planet have bigger troubles than us. Have a nice weekend!
All these events are so upsetting and we should cherish every moment life give us! Someone onetime told me the Earth will always heals itself we dont but Earth does... I really do have my hopes on this ♥️ Happy weekend
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