I didn't have a Merry Christmas, I had a kick-ass Christmas. I went to see Return of the King, and that movie kicked ass!
Revelation for the day: I don't serve the forces of positivty after all. People who insist that you can make everything alright just by thinking happy thoughts at the world really get on nerves. But I usually end up siding with the forces of positivity, because positivity is usually losing, because people who serve pure positivity put themselves at a disadvantage, and have throughtout history. Purely positive people insist on doing everything in purely positive ways, and end up fighting an uphill battle all the way, because people who serve negativity don't limit their options in the same way, so they can act positive or negative to get what they want. "Love the sinner and hate the sin" is a good saying and a good idea, but another saying that a lot of people have put to good use is "eliminate the enemy before the enemy eliminates you". And another saying that's fundamental to the eastern philosophies that so many positive people continually beat me over the head with is "without darkness there can be no light". I've seen what happens in situations where all negativity is eliminated from people's lives: it makes people WEAK.
And that's why I always have to oppose the side that's winning, no matter where I go, and that's why I always have to be evil and villanous, because if you put it to a vote, whoever has the most people on their side is always the side of good, and I'm always opposed to them.
Oh, but it's so wonderful to be EEEEVIL...
Revelation for the day: I don't serve the forces of positivty after all. People who insist that you can make everything alright just by thinking happy thoughts at the world really get on nerves. But I usually end up siding with the forces of positivity, because positivity is usually losing, because people who serve pure positivity put themselves at a disadvantage, and have throughtout history. Purely positive people insist on doing everything in purely positive ways, and end up fighting an uphill battle all the way, because people who serve negativity don't limit their options in the same way, so they can act positive or negative to get what they want. "Love the sinner and hate the sin" is a good saying and a good idea, but another saying that a lot of people have put to good use is "eliminate the enemy before the enemy eliminates you". And another saying that's fundamental to the eastern philosophies that so many positive people continually beat me over the head with is "without darkness there can be no light". I've seen what happens in situations where all negativity is eliminated from people's lives: it makes people WEAK.
And that's why I always have to oppose the side that's winning, no matter where I go, and that's why I always have to be evil and villanous, because if you put it to a vote, whoever has the most people on their side is always the side of good, and I'm always opposed to them.
Oh, but it's so wonderful to be EEEEVIL...

Hey there DR K, what kind of flying do you do? I was an army Blackhawk pilot for ten years, but I only fly recreationally now. I got involved I boats, and my life went downhill after that!
are you a writer as well?