I have recently gotten this furry llama like pet and am considering naming him, "El Magnifico!" If you have any thoughts on the matter let me know.
*As I side note iv noticed iv been on this site for like a week now and have only two friends, one of whom is my brother and feels obligated. but you know what what screw you guys i have become very close to those two people, even comming close to exeriencing anal intercourse with one (it wasn't my brother by the way) so i am almost thankful to have been gifted with less friends so as to nourish those bonds rather than being some flaky friend who never has time for all the masses of people wanting to talk to him. So to everyone "too good" to be my friend, i thank you.
the hair off them make hell cool beanies and they are soft and strange ppl will try patting your head if you have it on
i don't remember my first post either