I've been having some pretty sweet times lately. My uncle is in town, and he's always been super awesome so we've had fun hanging out. He's here for my stepdad's wedding next Saturday, which will be cool. A bunch of us are staying at a place in Canmore, and the day after the wedding I plan on going snowboarding. (If I have the money)
Some not so sweet things have been happening too... such as I'm so broke it's not funny. I'm back to work part time but there was a paperwork screw up and I should be getting a cheque in the mail monday since it didn't come in today. It's mainly going to bills anyways.
My employment insurance money should be coming in soon.... god damn government.
Some not so sweet things have been happening too... such as I'm so broke it's not funny. I'm back to work part time but there was a paperwork screw up and I should be getting a cheque in the mail monday since it didn't come in today. It's mainly going to bills anyways.

I really want to do a set while I have it! I have a REALLY good new idea for one too!
I'm glad things are looking up! I hope they just keep getting better