So I've been away from the site for a bit, between being in California, and things I've had to deal with when I came back, I haven't had much time. Right now I probably shouldn't be looking at the computer monitor due to having my right eye get a laser eye surgery touch up this past Thursday. So how has everybody been?
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 13, 2008
God damn busy work. I love south park. I'm so stoned right now and I … -
Sunday Aug 31, 2008
So I've been away from the site for a bit, between being in Californi… -
Monday Aug 18, 2008
Read More -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
I'm in South California! Currently staying in Costa Mesa about 45 min… -
Sunday Aug 10, 2008
Ok, I think it's time for a new post. I went paintballing today at … -
Monday Aug 04, 2008
Ok, so I'm totally drunk right now... I'm going to try and make sure… -
Sunday Aug 03, 2008
So I think it's pretty much official that I'm going to move out. I th… -
Wednesday Jul 30, 2008
Some people suck. My cousin and his girlfriend were supposed to mov… -
Sunday Jul 27, 2008
I can't believe it's almost August! In 3 weeks I'll be in Califor… -
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
It is almost 11pm and I have slept for a combined total of 7 and a ha…