Some people suck.
My cousin and his girlfriend were supposed to move into a place today, only to find out they've been scammed. The key they were given didn't work, and they ran into another couple who were supposed to move into the same building who told them the same thing happened to 5 couples last night.
So they're out over $3500, and since our business was supposed to be run out of there we have to change our business license and partnership agreement. On the plus side, they still have a place to stay.
Part of me is thinking of finding a place with them as in conversation with my stepdad he suggested i pay about $500 in rent, which i'm not going to do for the room i have. I pay for the internet and cable, and the house phone, buy my own food and everything. the only thing i don't pay for is utilities. I could possibly move into a house with them for $500, and split all the bills. It may work out to be the same, but at least I'll have a nicer place and bigger room. It's an option I'm seriously thinking about at the moment.
C'est la vie. Anybody have some advice?
EDIT: They went to the police station today and apparently 4 detectives are working on this because over 20 people got scammed. Also Jess' boss gave her $2500 when he heard about it to cover some of the loss!
Also it seems more likely that I may move in with them. I still need to talk to my stepdad about what he'd charge here, but it may be best for everyone because he has a fiance that lives in edmonton. If she wants to move down here with her kids then it'd be possible with my room free.
My cousin and his girlfriend were supposed to move into a place today, only to find out they've been scammed. The key they were given didn't work, and they ran into another couple who were supposed to move into the same building who told them the same thing happened to 5 couples last night.
So they're out over $3500, and since our business was supposed to be run out of there we have to change our business license and partnership agreement. On the plus side, they still have a place to stay.
Part of me is thinking of finding a place with them as in conversation with my stepdad he suggested i pay about $500 in rent, which i'm not going to do for the room i have. I pay for the internet and cable, and the house phone, buy my own food and everything. the only thing i don't pay for is utilities. I could possibly move into a house with them for $500, and split all the bills. It may work out to be the same, but at least I'll have a nicer place and bigger room. It's an option I'm seriously thinking about at the moment.
C'est la vie. Anybody have some advice?
EDIT: They went to the police station today and apparently 4 detectives are working on this because over 20 people got scammed. Also Jess' boss gave her $2500 when he heard about it to cover some of the loss!
Also it seems more likely that I may move in with them. I still need to talk to my stepdad about what he'd charge here, but it may be best for everyone because he has a fiance that lives in edmonton. If she wants to move down here with her kids then it'd be possible with my room free.
Modeling is really cool. It's hard work though! I always get put on long poses, which means 3 to 5 hours of the same pose. You also have to have really good body memory so that you can resume the pose after a break and have it be the same! It's funny, I don't mind being stared at because it's not sexual at all. I'm like a landscape to them! 
