so hot!... alright it was a project of a girlfriend... I was in her home and she said "I'm gonna make you look like a girl :D" and I was like... "OK"
@artfulodin hahaha yep, so funny, well done @drivernom
Bahahahahah this is the bestÂ
and for today some good news... for me.
Got my tickets to watch Machete Kills at the "Festival de cine en Morelia", that will be awesome, I'll be stalking Robert Rodriguez and Danny Trejo. YEAAAH!!!
Now I'm leaving due the excitement...
have a great day, week, month, year, decade, century and life!
Auf Wiedersehen!
quisiera ir <3
Hallo! Wie geht's?
so, I'm alive.. and got a "new life", new ink (no pictures for now, sorry), new friends, everything seems to be nice now...
Last months I was planing to start a new episode in my life in Austria, but that mission seems to be aborted by now, so, next year I'm planing to study Aeronautic Engineering, in a small city in Mexico...
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so, I'm alive.. and got a "new life", new ink (no pictures for now, sorry), new friends, everything seems to be nice now...
Last months I was planing to start a new episode in my life in Austria, but that mission seems to be aborted by now, so, next year I'm planing to study Aeronautic Engineering, in a small city in Mexico...
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Hola hola!!, cmo has estado?, yo, perdida del ciber-mundo y sin mucho tiempo para sociabilizar, etc. Pero muy contenta. Espero que ests bien. Siento que no pudieras ir a Austria, pero las cosas pasan por algo. xito en todos los proyectos que emprendas y besos desde Chiapas!

Hallo, Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Hej, Privet, Ol and stuff
Today I went to a session with my tattoo artist...
and my tattoo is almost done mwhahahaha
It hurts a f*cking lot! like it has never hurt before asdfghjkjhgfdsdfgh
Will upload pictures... when I get'em... and when it heals and don't f*cking hurt like this! bleeeh!
f*cking white ink! I hate it asdfsfsgdfdhgf
ok... I'm leaving...
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Today I went to a session with my tattoo artist...
and my tattoo is almost done mwhahahaha
It hurts a f*cking lot! like it has never hurt before asdfghjkjhgfdsdfgh
Will upload pictures... when I get'em... and when it heals and don't f*cking hurt like this! bleeeh!
f*cking white ink! I hate it asdfsfsgdfdhgf
ok... I'm leaving...
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Fucking elections!
Fucking politicans basterds!
Fucking president!
This goddamn country is going to Hell!
If this goddamn fucking basterd takes the power... I'm definitevily moving out of Mexico...
I'm just to angry because of this... I cant't belive how obvious was this fraud and all that stupid people who voted for him... BLEEURGH!
ok I'm leaving you with this song ;D
whether ir not you...
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Fucking politicans basterds!
Fucking president!
This goddamn country is going to Hell!
If this goddamn fucking basterd takes the power... I'm definitevily moving out of Mexico...
I'm just to angry because of this... I cant't belive how obvious was this fraud and all that stupid people who voted for him... BLEEURGH!
ok I'm leaving you with this song ;D
whether ir not you...
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ajajaja est bien... qu feos comentarios me dejas!
mejor? ja
mejor? ja

Eres un amorsss!!

hi everybody!
just a quick blog, that in anyways it will last like a month here... hahaha
well! I'm just to happy because I've applied for a job and there is a high possibility of being hired
it's a really good job, I will be doing what I do best (and what I hate most) I will be fixing computers, installing and fixing software for...
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just a quick blog, that in anyways it will last like a month here... hahaha
well! I'm just to happy because I've applied for a job and there is a high possibility of being hired

it's a really good job, I will be doing what I do best (and what I hate most) I will be fixing computers, installing and fixing software for...
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Hola!, jajaja, t y los piropos!, me encantan, porque son muy mexicanos, el otro da casi le pongo a una de las chicas chilenas "enn esa cola si me formo", pero luego pens que se lo poda tomar a mal o de plano no iba a entender, jeje, ya mejor me guardo el piropo para cuando salga el set de otra chica mexicana, aunque me cacheteen, me da mucha risa, jaja...Cmo ests?...besotes!

Jajaja, si alguien de otro pas lee tu piropo no va a entender ni madres, amo nuestro florido dialecto mexicano!!...buenos das!, cmo ests?, qu cuentas de nuevo? 

Ok time for a new blog!
Finally on vacations! again... hahaha
just have finished the test period at the college... and pfffft such a relief!
I will have the results on two week, so I hope everything went ok.
fine! No more talks about the college!
since I'm on vacations I am spending the free time with my friends doing that stuff that friends...
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Finally on vacations! again... hahaha
just have finished the test period at the college... and pfffft such a relief!
I will have the results on two week, so I hope everything went ok.
fine! No more talks about the college!
since I'm on vacations I am spending the free time with my friends doing that stuff that friends...
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DUDE, danke, das ist so lieb von dir <3
gracias por siempre darme apoyo en mi set
Since have been past 2 months since my last blog entry... I decided i needed a new one
Hallo! how are you people here? I hope everything to be ok... whether you read this or not
not that you care or give a single f*ck, but i have been very busy, school is f*cking killing me and I have a goddamn cold that is...
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Since have been past 2 months since my last blog entry... I decided i needed a new one
Hallo! how are you people here? I hope everything to be ok... whether you read this or not
not that you care or give a single f*ck, but i have been very busy, school is f*cking killing me and I have a goddamn cold that is...
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siempre cosas buenas vienen de vos gracias!
Jajaja, s, a m me pasaba lo mismo cuando tena que pagar por mi cuenta, lstima que no eres mujer exhibicionista como nosotras, te daran cuenta gratis, jajaja. Cmo has estado?...Yo estoy tirando cosas y arreglando mi desmadre de vida, me regresar un tiempo a mi pueblo natal para estar con mi beb, pero todo bien. La buena noticia es que recin me tomaron fotos para un nuevo set, y otras muchas para diferentes proyectos, dejar el "negocio" varado unos mesesitos y volver con ms fuerza para desmadrar y tomar el mundo, muajajaja!!...Besos!
too many time without a word here.... alright
the last months I had too many homework... if you have a frind ho's studing music... never doubt that he have to many things to do.
It is like hel! you sleep less than 6 hours and stay at school about 13 hours per day.
i'm really tired... but I'm not here just to complaint!
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too many time without a word here.... alright
the last months I had too many homework... if you have a frind ho's studing music... never doubt that he have to many things to do.
It is like hel! you sleep less than 6 hours and stay at school about 13 hours per day.
i'm really tired... but I'm not here just to complaint!
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Thanks for your comments! I'm glad you like it.

Mil gracias por comentar , igual siempre es bueno arriesgarse un poco a hacer algo distinto
Que hermoso tatuaje! saludos!

Gracias!, eso espero yo tambin, aunque lo extraaremos por ac
. l es de Espaa, y estuvo en el d.f. 3 aos, nos veamos muy seguido para armar proyectos y locuras, maratones de cine, etc, etc. Pero nunca pudo conseguir un trabajo estable en el que le pagaran bien. As estoy yo, pero no puedo huir a Espaa
, jaja.
Que te vaya muy bien en el Conservatorio, qu instrumento tocas?

. l es de Espaa, y estuvo en el d.f. 3 aos, nos veamos muy seguido para armar proyectos y locuras, maratones de cine, etc, etc. Pero nunca pudo conseguir un trabajo estable en el que le pagaran bien. As estoy yo, pero no puedo huir a Espaa

Que te vaya muy bien en el Conservatorio, qu instrumento tocas?

well as a few people here know...
I was in Mexico City until today's morning...
Well, I needed to come back because of a school mess up ' GREAT!
I really wanted to attend the SG Mxico meeting... but blehhh! I hate school red tape!
completely ruined my weekend!
but yeaah! at least... I got my first Tattoo session AMAZING! 8 hours of pain......
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well as a few people here know...
I was in Mexico City until today's morning...
Well, I needed to come back because of a school mess up ' GREAT!
I really wanted to attend the SG Mxico meeting... but blehhh! I hate school red tape!
completely ruined my weekend!
but yeaah! at least... I got my first Tattoo session AMAZING! 8 hours of pain......
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Holaaa!!, lstima que no pudiste ir a la reunin, fue algo tranquis, pero estuvo bien para conocernos entre los que llegamos. El acuerdo es que se harn estas reuniones ms seguido, para que poco a poco se vayan integrando ms personas, jalen ms chicas y ayuden a las hopefuls que ya estn en el sitio. Por cierto, muuuchas gracias por el apoyo!
...Espero que ests muy bien. Besos!!

How are you? I hope fine!
I have some exciting news... for me .___.
I'm traveling to Mexico City!! yeahh! and why?
well that's the exciting fact! I'm going to get a tattoo from a great Tattoo artist! hell yeah!
I will be there for about 3 days from 8th to 10th of this month and I'm getting tattooed on 9th!
DAMN! I'm so...
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How are you? I hope fine!
I have some exciting news... for me .___.
I'm traveling to Mexico City!! yeahh! and why?
well that's the exciting fact! I'm going to get a tattoo from a great Tattoo artist! hell yeah!
I will be there for about 3 days from 8th to 10th of this month and I'm getting tattooed on 9th!
DAMN! I'm so...
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Burra de m, ni te contest lo que te iba a decir, por andar tragando camote, jajaja...Respuesta: no hay lugar definido, en esas andan, pero yo te aviso. Besos! 

eeeei!!! que envidia Mexico, tengo tantas ganas de ir a visitarlo. Pues si te gustan los gatos que maullan, este que tengo no para de hacerlo adems no se separa de mi en ningun momento ahahahhaha parece ms un beb humano que no un animal, hay que estar por l 24 h. al da. Que te vaya muy bien el viaje