my night was something yesterday. Friends are great for taking you out before you leave on long trips, and man, did I go out last night.
My mates took me out to an old bar we frequent, but the place was dead, and the service sucked ( I tell you when the owner isn't there, those people don't do anything ).
But from there my...
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thanks for listening. I love you.
A big time advantage of keaving the country for a while, People want to take you out for drinks before you go ! Time to go out and find a clean well lit place and get drunk like a pro. wink
It is almost 10 am here in sunny los angeles. I just got home from work. It was a long day. I started at 3:30 and got off at 9:30. Helpping sick animals is a fun job, but sometimes they have the habbit of getting sick early in the morning. Now, for the rest of the day I will rest some, as I can use...
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Man are things hard now. My niece and nephew are visiting, 13 and 15. These two are bums ! Man the girls is 13 and doesn't stop watching TV. To make things worse, she complains and doesn't want to do much of anything. The boy, 15, not so bad, just hard to motivate, but once he gets going, then he gets annoying. Uncle Robert can...
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man have the last 15 hours been difficult. Last night my good dog tasha went into seizers. It was very violent. I thought I was going to lose her. But after a few minutes it past, but still the after effects lasted a while. I took her in for some test, and it appear she is fine now. more or less. Not much you can...
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I have been busy lately, and in a good way. Yesterday I spend a good amount of the day at the J. Paul Getty Museum here in Los Angeles. I have never been before to this local museum and I must say it is very nice. If the chance comes for anyone to go see the place, I recomend it.
And today, well today was...
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Today was very normal. went to work, helped some animals, took care of some yard work. Nothing exciting at all. But I must say it wasn't a boring day at all. There was something peaceful about the day. The sky was a nice color blue, I think that helped. Sometimes the right colors can make al the difference in a day. smile
Well it is a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Los Angeles. After being sick for way to long, I am starting to feel good once again. Ironically, now that I am healthy, I missed the weekend and now get to start work tomorrow. But not so bad really, with two weeks left before my trip, work does not seem so bad. Helping everyone who needs...
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I am depressed. I have been sick for about a week now and I feel miserable now. I am stuck in this bloody house going crazy. I don't take to being sick well. Too add to the situation I got some very fun news...My spanish trip, where I will be staying, I went from bedroom to couch ! My living arrangements seem to be degrading....
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I am sick to day. Unfortunately it is not a bad cold, but a simple chest cold. I can do everything I need to do, but I feel horrible doing it. The worse part is that I have this "cold" feeling in my chest. A little annoying for the middle of summer. Also annoying is wearing a sweater in the middle of summer to keep...
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