you know, when you have nothing and are living in a foreign country, you learn to do whatever you can to get by. Well, here I am in girona, and I tell you, I found a very happen bar. Good music, and good people. But a little expensive to drink. Well, I started rapping with the the owner, and the DJ. It turns out in...
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For those good people who care, I now have a place to live....more or less. I am staying at the school I work at. I get to sleep on chairs, there is no hot water, and for that matter no place to put food. But I have a ton of a merican movies to watch , and nice sound system to play music, I am...
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I am so flattered that you enjoy my music. ♥
greetings my fellow americans,

how are all of you doing today ? Better then me no doubt, but I must say I bet none of you are living anything quite as adventrous as me.
As of today, I no place to live here in spain. I got kicked out of my flat by one girlfriend and one boyfriend. The boyfriend is jealous of me becasue...
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spain today,
well I got work today. In order to make ends meet here I took a job, and well today I am prof. Thats right a teacher of english. not so bad. It took me one month, but with this job, I should start making like flint and be ok here, more or less. But still, not so bad. Ill be working with kids...
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Spain oct. 1
I tell you looking for a place to live in one week sucks. I do not think I will be so lucky. But I think the young lady I liviong with might give me another week. Which is good. becasue as of right now, still no place to live. But again, other then this big problem, all is going good. Its taken...
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greetings people who speak and read english: just a note; in spain the keyboards are in spanish and there are alot of extra keys: i have the hardest time typing here i tell you: it drives me nuts i can;t find the period or or useful writing devices sometimes:
but anyway; all is well here: more or less: i am being kicked out of my...
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right on. smile

sorry about the moving out thing.

enjoy that fantastic bar!!!
greetings to the people who might read this. I am here in lovely girona today using the only computer within 1 hour of where I am staying. Spain has been good to me. I found work here teaching english. The director of a school school seem very impressed with me and has been crazy to get me to work for her. Well, I am taking...
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WEll people who dont read this, I am well. I am curently living in spain. I am stay with 3 wonderful students, and luckey for my , all women. wink
I am good. I spend my days hiking and visiting schools. Hopfully soon I can find some work and get living in this place. I go out often I must say, the clubs are good here,...
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you bet kiss
lucky you tongue hey, i have a great idea!!!! let's trade places!!!! wink enjoy yourself in spain...one of these days i hope to have the privledge of livin' it up too, but i'm not sure where i'll go.

tonight I leave for spain. I hope all goes well. I am packed, and ready, but still, it seems countless things can still go wrong. Not until I am in the air, and then not until I am safely in spain will I feel relaxed.
I am more or less ready to go. Just tiny little things left to do. IT is a little strange....
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Its a wonderful friday evening here in LA. Suns still shinning and the sky is still blue taking a little color from the sunset. In about 48 hours I will be on my way to spain for 3 months. Everything seems to be moving quick. Minutes, hours, days. Hard to believe I will be leaving soon. I am excitied but a little nervous. Nervous in...
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